# Config Resource Bundle # # Usage Notes: # # 1) Message keys should follow the pattern: _xxx where # is an identifier for a set of similar messages. They may # be used from within the same class or they may all deal with # the UI or with communication. # xxx is a 3 digit number to uniquely identify the text within a grouping. # # 2) The first item in the message body should be the message key. This will make it # easier to find where this message is being used within Config. It also makes it easier # for someone to describe the message they are seeing (e.g. Saying "comm_021" is much clearer # than reading the entire message text. # # 3) Clearly explain what the replacement text is. Translators will need to know what each # piece of replacement text will be so they can correctly translate the text. # # 4) If the replacement text is a date, time or number, see the MEssageFormat class for information # about how specific formatting information can be included with the replacement text id number. # A simple example is {1,time} to format a time and {2,date} to format a date. # # Example. # # {0}: First replacement text # {1}: Second replacement text # example_010 = Example_010: This is the first replacement text {0}. This is the second {1}. # # # # # # SystemLogEntry Messages: # # When using the log() methods found in the SystemLog helper class, you can create messages # that have 2nd level help and severity. The format for a compound message is as follows: # MyMsg = My normal parameterized {0} message. # MyMsg_DETAILS = My detailed parameterized {0} message that includes all the gory details and potential user actions. # MyMsg_SEVERITY = 1 # MyMsg_ID = common_023 # # Note that the _DETAILS and _SEVERITY message resources are entirely optional. If they # are not present then the message will be a simple single level message. A resource for # _SEVERITY will override the severity specified on the log call. The potential severity # values are: # 0 DEBUG # 1 INFORMATION # 2 WARNING # 3 ERROR # 4 FATAL # # See the following classes for more information: # SystemLog # SystemLogEntry # SystemLogCtlr # # Detail messages can be multi-line with the \n seperator char delineating lines. # ############################################################################################# # Config Common messages ############################################################################################# # This message has no translatable text. It merely uses the single replacement text value as # the entire message body. # {0}: the entire message body common_000 = Common_000: {0} ############################################################################################# # Generic Debug Message ############################################################################################# DebugMsg = {0} DebugMsg_SEVERITY = 0 DebugMsg_ID = Debug_000 ############################################################################################# # Config Exception messages ############################################################################################# # This message is used to tell the user about an unexpected throwable exception that occurred during # processing. It is usually produced and displayed by the UI console when it catches a throwable # from the underlying system. It will display the text message of the caught exception in the # first level text and a stack dump of the caught exception in the 2nd level text. GeneralException = An unexpected error was detected by the system. The error information is: {0} GeneralException_DETAILS = An unexpected error was detected by the system. Please examine the error message \nand take corrective action if possible. Otherwise, record the following detailed \ninformation and contact Digi International support.\n{0} GeneralException_SEVERITY = 3 GeneralException_ID = Exc_000 MissingIcon = Unable to load icon {0} from resource bundle. MissingIcon_SEVERITY = 0 MissingIcon_ID = Exc_001 MissingBundle = Unable to load resource bundle {0}. MissingBundle_DETAILS = This message indicates that the Config client was unable to load one of the required \nresource bundles files. Please note the details of this error and contact Digi International support.\n{0} MissingBundle_SEVERITY = 3 MissingBundle_ID = Exc_002 MissingBundleKey = Unable to load text from resource bundle {0} using key {1}. MissingBundleKey_SEVERITY = 0 MissingBundleKey_ID = Exc_003 MissingHelpFile = Unable to load help file {0}. MissingHelpFile_DETAILS = This message indicates that the Config client was unable to load the requested \nhelp file. Please note the name of the help file and contact Digi International support.\n key = {0}\n help file name = {1} MissingHelpFile_SEVERITY = 3 MissingHelpFile_ID = Exc_004 InvalidHelpURL = Unable to launch help. InvalidHelpURL_DETAILS = Unable to launch help. The specified URL {0} is not valid. InvalidHelpURL_SEVERITY = 3 InvalidHelpURL_ID = Exc_005 NoHelpAvailable = No help available for this view NoHelpAvailable_DETAILS = There is specific no help available for this view NoHelpAvailable_SEVERITY = 1 NoHelpAvailable_ID = Exc_006 ############################################################################################# # Config Basic Operation messages ############################################################################################# OpSucc = The requested operation completed successfully OpSucc_SEVERITY = 1 OpSucc_ID = basic_000 OpFail = An error occurred while performing the requested operation. The operation failed. OpFail_DETAILS = The requested operation failed due to the following error. \nExamine the error and correct if possible. Otherwise note the details of this error and contact support.\n OpFail_SEVERITY = 3 OpFail_ID = basic_001 Op1Succ = The {0} operation completed successfully Op1Succ_SEVERITY = 1 Op1Succ_ID = basic_002 Op1Fail = An error occurred while performing the {0} operation. The operation failed. Op1Fail_DETAILS = The {0} operation failed due to the following error. \nExamine the error and correct if possible. Otherwise note the details of this error and contact support.\n Op1Fail_SEVERITY = 3 Op1Fail_ID = basic_003 ItemDeleted = Selected item {0} was successfully deleted. ItemDeleted_SEVERITY = 1 ItemDeleted_ID = basic_004 OpNotAllowed = The {0} operation is not allowed OpNotAllowed_DETAILS = The requested {0} operation cannot be performed at this time. OpNotAllowed_SEVERITY = 2 OpNotAllowed_ID = basic_005 OpCancelled = The requested operation was cancelled OpCancelled_SEVERITY = 1 OpCancelled_ID = basic_006 Op1Cancelled = The {0} operation was cancelled Op1Cancelled_SEVERITY = 1 Op1Cancelled_ID = basic_007 ############################################################################################# # Device messages ############################################################################################# DeviceNotAvailable = Unable to connect to device at {0}. DeviceNotAvailable_DETAILS = Unable to fetch information from device at {0}. \nThe device may be off, disconnected, or require a hardware reset. \n \nExamine the error and correct if possible. Otherwise note the details of this error and contact support.\n DeviceNotAvailable_SEVERITY = 3 DeviceNotAvailable_ID = device_000 DeviceValidationError = Device settings are presently invalid and cannot be saved. DeviceValidationError_DETAILS = The device has indicated that some of the proposed settings are not valid.\nSee the message details below to identify the fields. Correct the settings and try again.\n\n{0} DeviceValidationError_SEVERITY = 3 DeviceValidationError_ID = device_001 ############################################################################################# # ConfigView messages ############################################################################################# SaveNotRequired = No changes to save to the device. SaveNotRequired_DETAILS = Only changed fields are saved to the device. Since no fields have been changed, the save was not performed. SaveNotRequired_SEVERITY = 1 SaveNotRequired_ID = view_000 ValidationError = Some of the settings are not valid and cannot be saved to the device. ValidationError_DETAILS = Some of the settings are not valid and cannot be saved to the device.\nSee the message details below to identify the fields. Correct the settings and try again.\n\n{0} ValidationError_SEVERITY = 3 ValidationError_ID = view_001 ############################################################################################# # SecurityView messages ############################################################################################# SecurityPasswordLengthError = Passwords must be 1 to 15 characters. SecurityPasswordLengthError_SEVERITY = 3 SecurityPasswordLengthError_ID = security_000 SecurityPasswordMismatchError = Passwords do not match. SecurityPasswordMismatchError_SEVERITY = 3 SecurityPasswordMismatchError_ID = security_001 SecurityUserLengthError = User name must be 1 to 15 characters. SecurityUserLengthError_SEVERITY = 3 SecurityUserLengthError_ID = security_002 ############################################################################################# # Config Properties, Settings and Capabilites messages ############################################################################################# PrpSave = Property settings successfully saved PrpSave_DETAILS = This message indicates that the settings for the selected properties \nwere successfully saved. PrpSave_SEVERITY = 1 PrpSave_ID = prp_000 PrpNoKeys = Property settings were not displayed. PrpNoKeys_DETAILS = This message indicates that no group lists were found for the selected item. \nThus, no properties could be displayed. PrpNoKeys_SEVERITY = 1 PrpNoKeys_ID = prp_001 SAXWarning = XML warning {0} SAXWarning_DETAILS = This message indicates that a warning was found while parsing an XML file. SAXWarning_SEVERITY = 2 SAXWarning_ID = prp_002 SAXError = XML error {0} SAXError_DETAILS = This message indicates that a error was found while parsing an XML file. SAXError_SEVERITY = 3 SAXError_ID = prp_003 SAXFatal = XML fatal error {0} SAXFatal_DETAILS = This message indicates that a fatal error was found while parsing an XML file. SAXFatal_SEVERITY = 4 SAXFatal_ID = prp_004 SelectionRequired = You must select an item from the list in order to do this action. SelectionRequired_DETAILS = The action requires an item from the list to be selected in order to work properly. SelectionRequired_SEVERITY = 2 SelectionRequired_ID = prp_005 ReportCreated = Report created for {0}. ReportCreated_DETAILS = This message indicates that a report was created.\nIt should appear in a browser window on your desktop. ReportCreated_SEVERITY = 1 ReportCreated_ID = prp_006 ReportFailed = Report could not be created for {0}. ReportFailed_DETAILS = This message indicates that an error was found while creating a report.\nThe error details are: ReportFailed_SEVERITY = 3 ReportFailed_ID = prp_007 ObjectPrpInitFailed = ObjectProperty {0} could not be initialized. ObjectPrpInitFailed_DETAILS = This message indicates that an error was found while parsing a ObjectProperty {0}. Object type = {1}. Object value = {2}.\nThe error details are: ObjectPrpInitFailed_SEVERITY = 3 ObjectPrpInitFailed_ID = prp_008 PrpTypeChanged = Property {0} changed its data type unexpectedly. PrpTypeChanged_DETAILS = The underlying data type of property {0} changed unexpectedly.\nThe data type changed from {1} to {2}. The property value changed from "{3}" to "{4}".\nPlease record this information and report it to KPG service. PrpTypeChanged_SEVERITY = 3 PrpTypeChanged_ID = prp_009 ############################################################################################# # Config Miscellaneous messages ############################################################################################# ConfigNotFound = Unable to locate previous configuration settings. Using default values. ConfigNotFound_SEVERITY = 2 ConfigNotFound_ID = misc_001 ConfigError = Error loading previous configuration settings. Using default values.\nThe load error was: {0} ConfigError_SEVERITY = 3 ConfigError_ID = misc_002