@ECHO OFF SETLOCAL goto begin :usage echo. echo. echo Build Config. Command line options (see build.xml for details): echo clean - Remove the build directory structure. echo prepare - Create the build directory structure. echo compile - Compile the java code. echo javadoc - Generate javadoc API documentation. echo all - Rebuild everything. Performs each of the above. echo test - Run unit tests. echo dist - Builds the distribution JAR files. echo applet - Builds and signs the applet echo junittest- Generates & executes the JUnit test cases echo. echo Examples: echo %0 compile echo %0 all echo. echo. echo Environment variables. echo. echo ENV. VAR. DESCRIPTION echo ------------ --------------------------------------------------------- echo JAVA_HOME Home dir of Java developer kit. echo ANT_HOME Home dir of Java developer kit. echo JUNIT_HOME Home dir of JUnit test utility echo JUNITDOCLET_HOME Home dir of JUnit doclet generation utility echo CLASSPATH Additional classpath entries beyond what the build tool needs. echo. goto End rem =========================================================================== rem == Begin processing the build request == rem =========================================================================== :begin rem =========================================================================== rem == Check for a request for help == rem =========================================================================== if "%1" == "-h" goto usage if "%1" == "-H" goto usage if "%1" == "--h" goto usage if "%1" == "--H" goto usage if "%1" == "/h" goto usage if "%1" == "/H" goto usage if "%1" == "?" goto usage if "%1" == "-?" goto usage if "%1" == "/?" goto usage if "%1" == "-help" goto usage if "%1" == "-HELP" goto usage if "%1" == "--help" goto usage if "%1" == "--HELP" goto usage if "%1" == "/help" goto usage if "%1" == "/HELP" goto usage if exist .\config.bat call config.bat if "%JAVA_HOME%" == "" set JAVA_HOME=c:\j2sdk1.4.2 if "%ANT_HOME%" == "" set ANT_HOME=C:\apache-ant-1.5.3-1 if "%JUNIT_HOME%" == "" set JUNIT_HOME=C:\Downloads\junit\junit3.8.1 if "%JUNITDOCLET_HOME%" == "" set JUNITDOCLET_HOME=C:\Downloads\junit\JUnitDoclet.1.0.2 set PATH=%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%ANT_HOME%\bin\;%path% set CLASSPATH=%JUNIT_HOME%\junit.jar;%JUNITDOCLET_HOME%\JUnitDoclet.jar;%CLASSPATH% ant %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 goto end :end ENDLOCAL