# # Company specific information # CompanyName = Digi International ProductName = Digi Connect ME AppTitle = Digi Connect ME Configuration # # ConfigAppPanel Resources # # Menu resources found here for now... HomeMenu = Home HomeTip = An introduction to configuring the device #HomeMnemonic = H #HomeAccelerator = control H ConfigAllMenu = Configure All ConfigAllTip = Configure all settings on the device - for service use only NetworkMenu = Network NetworkTip = Configure network settings on the device #NetworkMnemonic = N NetworkAccelerator = control N SerialMenu = Serial Ports SerialTip = Configure serial port settings on the device #SerialMnemonic = S SerialAccelerator = control S GpioMenu = GPIO GpioTip = Configure General Purpose IO settings on the device #GpioMnemonic = G GpioAccelerator = control G SecurityMenu = Security SecurityTip = Configure security settings on the device #SecurityMnemonic = P SecurityAccelerator = control P BackupMenu = Backup/Restore BackupTip = Backup or restore the configuration settings of the device #BackupMnemonic = B BackupAccelerator = control B SystemMenu = System Information SystemTip = View state information about the device #SystemMnemonic = Y SystemAccelerator = control Y AlarmMenu = Alarms AlarmTip = Configure General Purpose IO alarms on the device #AlarmMnemonic = A AlarmAccelerator = control A ConfigHelpMenu = User Guide ConfigHelpTip = Complete help for the entire configuration application ViewHelpMenu = Help ViewHelpTip = Displays help information for the current view # # ConfigViewImpl Panel Resources # SaveChangesMenu = Save SaveChangesTip = Saves changed configuration settings to device CancelChangesMenu = Cancel CancelChangesTip = Cancels changes made to configuration settings RefreshMenu = Refresh RefreshTip = Refreshes view to current configuration settings on device #ViewHelpMenu = Help #ViewHelpTip = Displays help information for the current view ValidationErrorTitle = Validation errors ValidationErrorDesc = The following errors prevent the settings from being saved to the device. Please correct the errors and save again.\n # # HomeView Panel Resources # HomeViewTitle = Home GettingStarted = Getting Started TutorialMenu = Tutorial TutorialTip = Press this button to open the tutorial TutorialDesc = Not sure what to do next? This Tutorial can help. SystemSummary = System Summary Model = Model: ModelDesc = Home.IPAddress = IP Address: Home.IPAddressDesc = HostName = Host Name: HostNameDesc = MACAddress = MAC Address: MACAddressDesc = # # NetworkView Panel Resources # NetworkViewTitle = Network Configuration # # NetworkBasicView Panel Resources # NetworkBasicViewTitle = Basic IPAssignMethod = Select method to assign IP address IPAssignDhcp = Obtain automatically using DHCP* IPAssignManual = Use the following IP Address: IPAddress = IP Address: IPAddressDesc = * SubnetMask = Subnet Mask: SubnetMaskDesc = * Gateway = Default Gateway: GatewayDesc = NameServer = Name Server: NameServerDesc = Domain = Domain: DomainDesc = HostName = Host Name: HostNameDesc = IPAssignManualCaveat = * Changes to DHCP, IP Address, and Subnet Mask require a reboot to take effect. # # NetworkAdvancedView Panel Resources # NetworkAdvancedViewTitle = Advanced EthernetSpeed = Ethernet Speed: EthernetSpeedDesc = EthernetMode = Ethernet Mode: EthernetModeDesc = # # SerialView Panel Resources # SerialViewTitle = Serial Configuration # # SerialBasicView Panel Resources # SerialBasicViewTitle = Basic Baud = Baud Rate: BaudDesc = Databits = Data Bits: DatabitsDesc = Parity = Parity: ParityDesc = Stopbits = Stop Bits: StopbitsDesc = Flowcontrol = Flow Control: FlowcontrolDesc = # # SerialRealportView Panel Resources # SerialRealportViewTitle = RealPort RealportServerHeading = RealPort Server RealportServerEnabled = Enable RealPort Server RealportServerEnabledDesc = RealportServerDesc = Enabling the RealPort Server activates the following ports on the device RealportServerPort = RealPort Port: RealportServerPortDesc = SecureRealportServerHeading = Secure RealPort Server SecureRealportServerEnabled = Enable Secure RealPort Server SecureRealportServerEnabledDesc = SecureRealportServerDesc = Enabling the Secure RealPort Server activates the following ports on the device SecureRealportServerPort = Secure RealPort Port: SecureRealportServerPortDesc = # # SerialTcpView Panel Resources # SerialTcpViewTitle = TCP TcpServerHeading = TCP Server TcpServerEnabled = Enable normal TCP server TcpServerEnabledDesc = enable tcp server description TcpServerDesc = The following TCP services are available on the device TcpServerPort = Raw TCP port: TcpServerPortDesc = TcpTelnetPort = Telnet TCP port: TcpTelnetPortDesc = TcpSslEnabled = Enable secure TCP server TcpSslPort = Secure TCP port: TcpSslPortDesc = TcpClientHeading = TCP Client TcpClientDesc = Automatically establish TCP connections to a server or other networked device. TcpAutoConnectEnabled = Automatically establish TCP connections TcpConnectTrigger = Connect: TcpConnectTriggerDesc = TcpConnectDestination = Connect to: TcpConnectDestinationDesc= TcpConnectService = Service: TcpConnectServiceDesc = TcpConnectPort = TCP port number: TcpConnectPortDesc = # # SerialUdpView Panel Resources # SerialUdpViewTitle = UDP UdpServerHeading = UDP Server UdpServerEnabled = Enable UDP server UdpServerEnabledDesc = enable udp server description UdpServerDesc = Enabling the UDP Server activates the following ports on the device UdpServerPort = Raw UDP port: UdpServerPortDesc = UdpClientHeading = UDP Client UdpClientEnabled = Enable UDP client UdpClientDesc = Automatically send serial data to one or more devices or systems on the network using UDP sockets. UdpSendToDesc = Send data to: UdpSendToAddress = IP Address UdpSendToPort = UDP Port UdpSendToDesc = Description UdpSendToEnabled = Enabled UdpSendTriggerDesc = Send data under following conditions: UdpSendOnPatternEnabled = Send data when the following string is found UdpSendOnPatternCR = CR (carriage return) UdpSendOnPatternCRLF = CR/LF (carriage return/line feed) UdpSendOnPatternCustom = Custom string UdpSendOnPatternStripString = Strip string before sending UdpSendAfterTimeEnabled = Send data after the following number of idle milliseconds UdpSendAfterTimeValueDesc= ms (1-65535) UdpSendAfterBytesEnabled = Send data after the following number of bytes UdpSendAfterBytesValueDesc = bytes (4-4096) # # SerialPortServicesView Panel Resources # SerialPortServicesViewTitle = Port Services SerialPortServicesHeading = Port Services SerialPortServicesDesc = These services monitor data on the serial port and relay it to servers or devices on the network. TcpClientHeading = TCP Client TcpClientDesc = Establishes a bidirectional TCP connection between the port and a server or other network device. TcpAutoConnectEnabled = Enable TCP client service TcpConnectOnConditionDesc = Establish a connection under one of the following conditions: TcpConnectOnAlways = Always TcpConnectOnData = When data present on serial line TcpConnectOnDSR = When Data Set Ready (DSR) line goes high TcpConnectOnDCD = When Data Carrier Detect (DCD) line goes high TcpConnectOnDataPattern = initial match string TcpConnectOnDataPatternTokens= special strings TcpConnectOnDataStripPattern = Strip string before sending TcpConnectToDesc = Establish connection to the following location: TcpConnectToAddress = IP Address TcpConnectToProtocol = Service TcpConnectToPort = Port UdpClientHeading = UDP Client UdpClientEnabled = Enable UDP client UdpClientDesc = Automatically send serial data to one or more devices or systems on the network using UDP sockets. UdpSendOnConditionDesc = Send data under any of the following conditions: UdpSendOnDataEnabled = When data present on serial line UdpSendOnDataPattern = initial match string UdpSendOnDataStripPattern = Strip string before sending UdpSendAfterTimeEnabled = After the following number of idle milliseconds UdpSendAfterTimeValueDesc = ms (1-65535) UdpSendAfterBytesEnabled = After the following number of bytes UdpSendAfterBytesValueDesc = bytes (4-4096) UdpSendToListDesc = Send data to the following locations: UdpSendToAddress = IP Address UdpSendToPort = UDP Port UdpSendToDesc = Description UdpSendToEnabled = Enabled # # SerialNetworkServicesView Panel Resources # SerialNetworkServicesViewTitle = Network Services SerialNetworkServicesHeading = Network Services SerialNetworkServicesDesc = Select and configure services to run on the device: tcpServerEnabled = Enable normal TCP server tcpServerPort = Port: tcpServerPortDesc = sslServerEnabled = Enable secure TCP server(SSL) sslServerPort = Port: sslServerPortDesc = udpServerEnabled = Enable UDP server udpServerPort = Port: udpServerPortDesc = rpServerEnabled = Enable RealPort server rpServerPort = Port: rpServerPortDesc = srpServerEnabled = Enable secure RealPort server srpServerPort = Port: srpServerPortDesc = telnetServerEnabled = Enable telnet server telnetServerPort = Port: telnetServerPortDesc = sshServerEnabled = Enable secure telnet server (SSH) sshServerPort = Port: sshServerPortDesc = lpdServerEnabled = Enable print server (LPD) lpdServerPort = Port: lpdServerPortDesc = # # SerialAdvancedView Panel Resources # SerialAdvancedViewTitle = Advanced SerialAdvancedTcpHeading = TCP SerialAdvancedUdpHeading = UDP SerialAdvancedRpHeading = RealPort TcpSerialHeading = TCP Serial TcpSerialDesc = TcpSocketIdEnabled = Send Socket ID TcpSocketId = Socket ID: TcpSocketIdDesc = TcpIdleTimeoutEnabled = Close connection after following number of idle seconds TcpIdleTimeout = TcpIdleTimeoutDesc = s (1-65535) TcpDropOnDCDEnabled = Close connection when DCD goes low TcpDropOnDSREnabled = Close connection when DSR goes low UdpSerialHeading = UDP Serial UdpSocketIdEnabled = Send Socket ID UdpSocketId = Socket ID: UdpSocketIdDesc = # # GPIOView Panel Resources # GpioViewTitle = GPIO Configuration GpioViewDesc = Configure General Purpose I/O (GPIO) pins # # AlarmView Panel Resources # AlarmGpioViewTitle = Alarm Configuration AlarmsEnabled = Enable sending alarms AlarmDesc = Automatically send email alarm messages when specific GPIO conditions occur SmtpSettings = Email Server Information AlarmSmtpServer = SMTP server address: AlarmSmtpServerDesc = AlarmSmtpFrom = From: AlarmSmtpFromDesc = AlarmListDesc = Alarm List AlarmDetailDesc = Alarm Details AlarmEnabled = Enable alarm AlarmTo = To: AlarmToDesc = AlarmCc = CC: AlarmCcDesc = AlarmSubject = Subject: AlarmSubjectDesc = AlarmPriority = Priority: AlarmPriorityDesc = AlarmTriggerMode = Trigger mode: AlarmTriggerModeDesc = AlarmPattern = Match Pattern: AlarmPatternDesc = AlarmTrigger = Trigger condition: AlarmTriggerDesc = (pin1 - pin5) AlarmSendRemindersEnabled = Enable reminder notifications AlarmTriggerIntervalTime = Trigger interval: AlarmTriggerIntervalTimeDesc = (secs) AlarmMonitorMask = Monitor Mask: AlarmMonitorMaskDesc = AlarmStateMask = State Mask: AlarmStateMaskDesc = AlarmReminderIntervalTime = Reminder interval: AlarmReminderIntervalTimeDesc = (secs) GpioBit0Desc = GPIO1/DCD GpioBit1Desc = GPIO2/CTS GpioBit2Desc = GPIO3/DSR GpioBit3Desc = GPIO4/RTS GpioBit4Desc = GPIO5/DTR # # Backup/Restore View Panel Resources # BackupViewTitle = Backup/Restore BackupRestoreDesc = You can backup this device's current configuration settings to a file or restore its settings from a previous backup file. BackupDesc = Backup configuration to a file on your PC or server: RestoreDesc = Restore configuration from a file on your PC or server. Backup1Menu = Backup Backup1Desc = You will be prompted for where to save the backup file. BrowseMenu = Browse... RestoreMenu = Restore RestoreLabel = Restore From File: BackupDlg.Title = Specify backup configuration file name BackupDlg.Description = Device configuration data File BackupDlg.Button = Backup BrowseDlg.Title = Select device configuration file to restore BrowseDlg.Descrioption = Device configuration data file # # System View Panel Resources # SystemViewTitle = System Information # # GeneralInfoView Panel # GeneralInfoViewTitle = General ProductNameLbl = Product: FirmwareVersionLbl = Firmware Version: BootVersionLbl = Boot Version: PostVersionLbl = POST Version: MacAddressLbl = MAC Address: CpuUtilLbl = CPU Utilization: CpuUtilFormat = {0} % UpTimeLbl = Up Time: UpTimeFormatDays = {0} days, {1} hours, {2} minutes, {3} seconds UpTimeFormatHours = {0} hours, {1} minutes, {2} seconds UpTimeFormatMinutes = {0} minutes, {1} seconds UpTimeFormatSeconds = {0} seconds TotalMemoryLbl = Total Memory: UsedMemoryLbl = Used Memory: FreeMemoryLbl = Free Memory: MemorySizeFormatKB = {0} KB MemorySizeFormatBytes = {0} bytes # # SerialStatisticsView Panel Resources # SerialStatisticsViewTitle = Serial SerialSignalsHeading = Serial Line Signals SerialStatisticsHeading = Serial Statistics OverrunErr = Overrun Errors: OverflowErr = Overflow Errors: FrameErr = Framing Errors: ParityErr = Parity Errors: Breaks = Breaks: RX = Received Bytes: TX = Transmitted Bytes: DTR = DTR: RTS = RTS: CTS = CTS: DSR = DSR: DCD = DCD: RtsToggle = RTS Toggle: # # GpioStateView Panel Resources # GpioStateViewTitle = GPIO GpioStateViewDesc = General Purpose I/O (GPIO) pins can be asserted or deasserted if they are configured as output. GpioPin1 = Pin 1: GpioPin1Desc = GpioPin2 = Pin 2: GpioPin2Desc = GpioPin3 = Pin 3: GpioPin3Desc = GpioPin4 = Pin 4: GpioPin4Desc = GpioPin5 = Pin 5: GpioPin5Desc = PinAssertedHeading = Asserted PinUnassertedHeading = Unasserted PinUnknownText = * Unknown state SetGpioPinsMenu = Set Pins SetGpioPinsTip = Set the states on the GPIO pins # # NetworkStatsView Panel # NetworkStatisticsViewTitle = Network ipStatisticsHeading = IP Statistics ipforwardingLbl = Forwarding: ipdefaultttlLbl = Default Time-To-Live: ipinreceivesLbl = Datagrams Received: ipforwdatagramsLbl = Datagrams Forwarded: ipoutnoroutesLbl = No Routes: iproutingdiscardsLbl = Routing Discards: tcpStatisticsHeading = TCP Statistics tcpactiveopensLbl = Active Opens: tcppassiveopensLbl = Passive Opens: tcpattemptfailsLbl = Attempt Fails: tcpinsegsLbl = Segments Received: tcpoutsegsLbl = Segments Sent: tcpretranssegsLbl = Segments Retransmitted: tcpestabresetsLbl = Established Resets: tcpinerrsLbl = Bad Segments Received: udpStatisticsHeading = UDP Statistics udpindatagramsLbl = Datagrams Received: udpnoportsLbl = No Ports: udpinerrorsLbl = Bad Datagrams Received: udpoutdatagramsLbl = Datagrams Sent: icmpStatisticsHeading = ICMP Statistics icmpinmsgsLbl = Messages Received: icmpinerrorsLbl = Bad Messages Received: icmpindestunreachsLbl = Dest. Unreachable Messages Received: # # GlobalSettingsView Panel Resources # GlobalSettingsViewTitle = Global Configuration # # RestoreFactoryDefaultsView Panel Resources # RestoreFactoryDefaultsViewTitle = Restore Factory Defaults RestoreFactoryDefaultsMenu = Restore Factory Defaults RestoreFactoryDefaultsTip = Restore all factory default settings on the device RestoreFactoryDefaultsDesc = RestoreNowBtnMenu = Restore Now RestoreNowBtnTip = Click to restore the factory default settings RestoreNowBtnDesc = RestoreFactoryDefaultsHeading = Restoring factory defaults will clear all current settings. RestoreFactoryDefaultsRebootPrompt = Some factory default settings will not take effect until the device is rebooted.\n\nReboot now? # # RebootView Panel Resources # RebootViewTitle = Reboot RebootMenu = Reboot RebootTip = Reboot the device RebootDesc = RebootHeading = The reboot process will take approximately 1 minute. RebootConfirm = Reboot now? # #MessageArea Panel Resources # LogMenu = Log LogTip = Various log operations LogMnemonic = L ClearLogMenu = Clear old messages ClearLogTip = Removes all prior messages from display in the message area ClearLogMnemonic = C RefreshLogMenu = Show old messages RefreshLogTip = Displays all known messages in the message area RefreshLogMnemonic = S MinimumSeverityMenu = Message severity level MinimumSeverityTip = Do not display messages below this severity MinimumSeverityMnemonic = M FatalMenu = Fatal FatalMnemonic = F ErrorMenu = Error ErrorMnemonic = E WarningMenu = Warning WarningMnemonic = W InformationMenu = Information InformationMnemonic = I DebugMenu = Debug DebugMnemonic = D # # SecurityView # SecurityViewTitle = Security SecurityPasswordMode = Enable password authentication SecurityEnabledDesc = Specify the user name a password that will be required for login. SecurityUserNameLbl = User Name: SecurityPasswordLbl = Password: SecurityVerifyPasswordLbl = Verify Password: # # LoginPrompt # LoginTitle = Login LoginHeading = Please type your user name and password. LoginUserLbl = User Name: LoginPasswordLbl = Password: LoginRealmLbl = Realm: LoginHostLbl = Site: # # Status Text Resources # ReadyStatus = Ready SaveChangesStatus = Saving changes... RefreshStatus = Refreshing... RebootStatus = Rebooting... RestoreFactoryDefaultsStatus = Restoring factory default settings... # # SecureAccessIcon # SecureAccessToolTip = Secure access (SSL) UnsecureAccessToolTip = Standard access # # Miscellaneous Resources # ApplyMenu = Apply ApplyTip = Apply changes on the device