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msctls_trackbar32Slider1P 100P 0P 100PPRestore DefaultsPADP3MS Sans SerifP#5ClarityP] Sharpness@d Sharpness SliderPd vmsctls_trackbar32Slider1P 100P" 0P" 100P,] Dot CrawlP,d uDot CrawlPA#EFilteringPN^ Flicker Filter@Hd Flicker Filter SliderPNd xmsctls_trackbar32Slider2PN 100P] 0P] 100Pi^ @Adaptive Flicker Filter@cd Adaptive Flicker Filter SliderPid msctls_trackbar32Slider1Pi 100Px 0Px 100P#<ADACPd RGBPd CYCPd HDTVPd DHDRGBPd BCOMPOSITEPPyRestore DefaultsPA ȐMS Sans SerifP 2 Name:P< P   7Automatically launch an application when the scheme is applied.P)d Application:P6P62BrowseP J  Restore the display settings after exiting this applicationPW2SavePj Select a Scheme!Px5Px2ApplyPx2DeleteP'Intel(R) Media Graphics Accelerator Driver LogoP2OKP2Cancel Ȑ' MS Sans Serif@A0Overlay Example ImagePA0:P1Gamma@U U Gamma SliderPU U msctls_trackbar32Slider1PA 100PY0P 100P+1#Contrast@U(U Contrast SliderPU(U msctls_trackbar32Slider1PA* 100PY80P8 100@?@0Gamma Ramp GraphP?@09PF1Saturation@UDU Saturation SliderPUDU msctls_trackbar32Slider3PAF 100PYR0PR 100Pc1Brightness@UaU Brightness SliderPUaU msctls_trackbar32Slider2PAb 100PYn0Pm 100P~1Hue@U}U Hue SliderPU}U msctls_trackbar32Slider4PA~ 100PX 0P 100PP;Restore DefaultsP %Intel(R) Media Graphics Accelerator Driver LogoPb2OKP2CancelP2ApplyPA@PMS Sans Serif@ P Refresh RateP P Refresh Rate!P_ HIPpU@\ RotationP\ Rotation@ Rotation Angle P 00 P*! 90 P* 270 PD 180@&Rotation Example ImageP&@d Display ExpansionPd Display Expansion@-h FullScreenP+h @FullScreen@^o Motion Blur MitigationPZo $Motion Blur Mitigation@u+ Full Screen Example ImageP+  P+jAspect Ratio Options PyPClone Device SettingsPG $xvYCC Color FormatPADP3MS Sans SerifP YDisplay Name Not AvailableP!P7General InformationP,R JDisplay TypeP,U MNot AvailableP7R PSerial NumberP8U RNot AvailablePBR UDDC SupportPCV VNot AvailablePMR WGamma ValuePMU XNot AvailablePXR Connector InfoPYU Not AvailablePcR Device InfoPcU Not AvailablePr"8Maximum Image SizeP|R AHorizontalP|U CNot AvailablePR EVerticalPU HNot AvailableP&9Supported ModesAP 4P/:Display Power Management SupportPR ;Standby ModePU >Not SupportedPR <Suspend ModePU ?Not SupportedPR =Active off ModePU @Not SupportedDP3MS Sans SerifP "5PqPBSave To File...DP.3MS Sans SerifPWIntensityP = Brightness@b` Brightness SliderPb` msctls_trackbar32Slider1PM1000Pf 0P 100P '= Contrast@b'` Contrast SliderPb'` msctls_trackbar32Slider2PM'1000Pf4 0P6 100P A= Tilt@bA` Tilt SliderPbA` msctls_trackbar32Slider3PMA1000PfO 0PO 100Pd/FilteringP u= Flicker Filter@bu` Flicker Filter SliderPbu` msctls_trackbar32Slider5PMu1000Pf 0P 100PASizeP = Horizontal Size@b` Horizontal Size SliderPb` msctls_trackbar32Slider5PM1000Pf 0P 100P = Vertical Size@b` Vertical Size SliderPb` msctls_trackbar32Slider6PM1000Pf 0P 100PyNIPositionPPosition upPPosition RightP[Position CenterPPosition LeftPPosition DownPPRestore DefaultsPADP 3MS Sans SerifP  DPrior to contacting technical support, please refer to the following self help resources:P /} FTop Technical IssuesP/ GWebsite for top technical issuesP L} ITroubleshooting AssistantPL LWebsite for troubleshooting assistantP i} NGraphics Driver DownloadsPi OWebsite for Driver downloadsP QIf you are unable to find an answer at the resources above:P ~SGraphics Driver Email Support:P TWebsite for Graphics driver email support @ MS Sans Serif P'P< ]More visual display options for devices attached toPF (your computer such as :PXh )TelevisionPfh *Digital DisplayPth +NotebookPh ,MonitorPU \are available here : PpjhGraphics Properties...PpjjIntel(R) TV WizardP iShow Tray IconPA ȀMS Sans Serif@PBattery/Power Status P Intel(R) Dual Frequency Graphics TechnologyP 2 Intel(R) Automatic Display Brightness P HIntel(R) Display Power Saving TechnologyPb tmsctls_trackbar32Slider2Pt*Maximum QualityPt*Maximum BatteryP Intel(R) Display Refresh Rate Switching TechnologyP ZMninimum Refresh Rate!PsN8P%Intel(R) Media Graphics Accelerator Driver LogoP/2zOKPi2CancelP2Apply ȐGIMS Sans Serif@P: SysTabControl32Page Tabs @ 3PG%P82CloseLP6MS Shell DlgPZ Select Device!Pcf6@P.vAdd basic Mode DetailsP $W Color Depth!Pc!0(P$[Refresh Rate P!0 P 7WHorizontal Width Pc40 DP7[Vertical Height P40 IPJ[Timing Standard!PG0*P N|Underscan Percentage@\f Underscan SliderP\f }msctls_trackbar32P] ~0P]100P]The resulting Mode is: color, HertzP$ik100P x InterlacedPx7AddP.+Remove Custom Modes P P7RemovePALP(6MS Shell DlgPZ >Select Device!Pef=@P.WAdd Custom Mode Timing DetailsP #X=Color Depth!Pe!.3P#\Pixel ClockP!. P 2N?Horizontal Front Porch Pe4. @P2KDVertical Front Porch P4. EP ENAHorizontal Back Porch PeG. BPECFVertical Back Porch PG. GP XXEHorizontal Synch Width PeZ. FPX[JVeritcal Synch Width PZ. KP oWGHorizontal Synch Active Pem. HPo\LVertical Synch Active Pm. MP ~XCHorizontal Synch Polarity!Pe.&P~\HVeritcal Synch Polarity!P.)P QKHorizontal Scan RatePe. LPFVertical Scan RateP. QP WIHorizontal Total(Pe. JP\NVertical Total(P. OP `InterlacedP7AAdd@P.+Remove Custom Modes P \P7RemovePAȀ_Save SettingsMS Sans SerifP6$Your desktop has been reconfigured. Do you want to keep these settings? If no response is received within few seconds these changes will automatically be canceled.P'D2OKPhD2Cancel ȐOMS Sans Serif!P `!Px; P=2IOKPH=2HCancelP=2GApplyPA ȀAspect Ratio OptionsMS Sans Serif P xMaintain Display Scaling P wMaintain Aspect Ratio P6wFull Screen (No Border) PLwCentering P[ Custom Settings@  Maintain Aspect Ratio Example ImageP @6 Full Screen No Border Example ImageP, @L Centering Example ImagePF Pi) HorizontalP_x{ msctls_trackbar32Slider1PUz MinPz& MaxP( VerticalPQ| msctls_trackbar32Slider2PU$MinP% MaxP$PK2OKP2CancelP2ApplyPEx $CurPE $CurȀ9^Resolution NotificationMS Shell DlgP #-This is not the optimal screen resolution. Consider using higher resolution for better viewing experience.PR9 Do not show this message againPJ2OKPAH@3MS Shell DlgP wIntel(R) Clear Video Technology@P (Advanced Deinterlacing PFilm Mode Detection@P=GSharpness Enhancement$PJApplication Settings OverridePj` msctls_trackbar32PjMinP{jMaxPv 0@PXNoise Reduction P$Application Settings Override@}Example Preview ImageP}PH< P<Example Image P 1 P 2 P 3PMoRestore Defaults PZ $Set Optimal ValueP-$MinPz .$Max P+$Auto AdjustPb ,$msctls_trackbar32P o$0H@&3MS Shell DlgP Intel(R) Clear Video Technology@P Color Controls$PApplication Settings OverrideP,Hue@5b Hue SliderP5b msctls_trackbar32P D 0P50P}5"100POSaturation@ Saturation SliderP msctls_trackbar32P i!0P[0P}[#100PuContrast@b Contrast SliderPb msctls_trackbar32P &0P0P}$100PBrightness@Brightness SliderPb msctls_trackbar32P '0P0P}%100@P$Preset Profiles PF(Select Profile!PJS&@}Example Image PreviewP}PH< P<Example Image P 1 P 2 P 3PMmRestore DefaultsPAH@3MS Shell DlgPxIntel(R) Clear Video TechnologyaP /PLetterbox to Wide-screen Scaling`P) Application Settings OverrideP8 1Vertical Crop@Eb Vertical Crop SliderPEb msctls_trackbar32PQ@0%PEq0%PvEr100%P^ 0Horizontal Linear Region@jb Horizontal Linear SliderPmb msctls_trackbar32P{y0%Pms0%Pvmt100%P 3Distortion Level@b Distortion Level SliderPb 4msctls_trackbar32Pz0%Pn0%PvB100%@H7Scaling Preview ImagePX#PsXP< Example Image P 1 P 2 P 3PMlRestore DefaultLPMS Shell Dlg@-B Operating ModeP $Operating Mode@r Operating Mode!P}*@ Active DisplaysP $Active Displays P $P $msctls_updown32Spinner Control P$I$SysListView32@qR PositionPqR VPosition@UDisplay Position Example Image PU@a]UActive Device Sample ImagePa]U$PAȀK)Power ControlMicrosoft Sans Serif@P>eGraphics Power Performance SettingsP $ Textual basic explanation and Recommendation P '$Best Power Savings P >$Better Power Savings P U$ Good Power Savings P l$ Disable Power Savings P MCustom Power SavingsP1JLModify Settings@P@= Performance SettingsP $ Textual basic explanation and recommendationP $ $Intelligent Power SharingPG%jP2bOKP2cCancelP2dApplyȀ1APower Feature SettingsMS Shell Dlg@P,QGraphics Power Feature Settings P GIntel(R) Rapid Memory Power Management P% Intel(R) Smart 2D Display Technology P9 HGraphics P States@(K States SliderP(K Imsctls_trackbar32P[aXMaximum PerformancePy[AZDynamicP[ZYMaximum Battery Pk Intel(R) Display Power Saving Technology@(| Power Saving SliderP(| msctls_trackbar32PngMaximum QualityPZhMaximum BatteryP Intel(R) Display Refresh Rate Switching TechnologyP|Minimum Refresh Rate!PN8P JGraphics Render StandbyP Intel(R) Automatic Display BrightnessP1%RP-2NOKP-2OCancelP-2PApply !MS Shell DlgPi W$Texture Quality!Pw1\$P i Y$Anisotropic Filtering!P w1]$P;i[$Vertex Processing!P;w1^$PYiZ$Wait For VSync!PYw._$Px<F$Restore DefaultsPAȐ6BMS Shell DlgP.2$OKP.2$CancelP.2 $ApplyP.($ P"MH9"$P6.$Select Audio Position P$H9#$ PH9$$ PMH9%$ Pe ($ P )$ P *$ P e '$!Pv'~$!Pv'$P.-Select Audio DevicesP  :$1P ;$2Ȁ!3D SettingsMS Shell DlgP $Live Preview@%3D LogoP%$P 2L$OKP# 2M$CancelP] 2N$ApplyP `$This section will have description on what the end user chose!P"wH$@$P8w W$Texture Quality!PEwJ\$P]w Y$Anisotropic Filtering!PjwE]$Pw [$Vertex Processing!Pw@^$Pw Z$Wait For VSync!Pw3_$PX<F$Restore DefaultsPADP0MS Sans Serif@* PScheme Options P* PScheme Options@Scheme Options PictureP$@ PInformation Page P P$Information Page@Information Page PictureP$@*/PPower Settings P*/P$Power Settings@*Power Settings PictureP*$@/PVideo Settings P/PVideo Settings@*Video Settings PictureP*$@*RPIntel(R) Tv Wizard @*RPIntel(R) Tv Wizard@MIntel(R) Tv Wizard PicturePM$@RP3D Settings PRP3D Settings@M3D Settings PicturePM$@*uPVideo Overlay P*uPVideo Overlay@pVideo Overlay PicturePp$@uPCustom Mode PuPCustom Mode@pCustom Mode PicturePp$@*PAudio Settings P*P$Audio Settings@Audio Settings PictureP$@PPlace Holder PP$Place Holder@Place Holder PictureP$@*PPlace Holder P*P$Place holder@Place Holder PictureP$@PPlace Holder PP$Place Holder@Place Holder PictureP$PAȀ!-3D SettingsMS Shell Dlg P s $Best Quality P#s $ Balanced P<s $Best Performance PUs $CustomP _Phi $Texture Quality!Phw,$Pi $Anisotropic Filtering!Pw,$Pi$Vertex Processing!Pw,$Pi$Wait For VSync!Pw,$P<$Restore Defaults@"%3D LogoP"%$Pu2$OKP2$CancelP2$ApplySingle DisplayPoka~i ikono v vrsticiRotation Contrast Color QualityScreen ResolutionVideo StandardPrimary DeviceSecondary DeviceEnable MonitorEnable Built-in DisplayEnable/Disable Panel FittingGraphics PropertiesHot KeysMultiple Display Third DeviceTwinExtended DesktopClone DisplaysAllPARedGreenBlueArial9ArialArialSpremeni merilo celega zaslonaDisplay ExpansionSlika na srediniOhrani razmerje viaina/airina090180270Name:?Automatically launch an application when the scheme is applied. Application:PAArialPA10 Fourth DevicePA6Adjust this slider to change the underscan percentage.Asynchronous FlipOffOnTriple BufferingFlipping PolicyFlipBlitDepth Buffer Bit DepthPADefault16 Bit Depth Buffer24 Bit Depth BufferForce S3TC Texture CompressionOpenGLSettings AttributeValueForce FXT1 Texture CompressionDriver Memory FootprintTexture Color DepthAnisotropic FilteringNormalLowHighDesktop Color Depth16 Bits per Texel32 Bits per TexelApplication ControlDefaultArial10 and Hot Keys Refresh Rate%d Bit%d Hertz%d x %dAdvanced Settings TV Settings SaturationPAHueBrowseDeleteSaveSelect a Scheme<Restore the display settings after exiting this application.HuePA gfxUI.exeVThe driver for this Control Panel Applet is not currently running or is not available.PAIntelNoneIntel(R) Extreme Graphics 2Intel(R) Extreme Graphics 2*Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator Driver&Intel(R) Extreme Graphics 2 for MobileSystemSupportInformation - SupportKBefore contacting technical support, please visit these web sites for help.Top Technical Issues) Assistant. Driver Downloads- you are unable to find an answer at the web sites above, contact support by visiting this web site.Graphics Driver Email Support. Information Display Type Serial Number DDC2 ProtocolGammaMaximum Image Size HorizontalVerticalSupported ModesPower Management Support Standby Mode Suspend ModeActive Off ModePASave as File....txtSave To File...DiagnosticReport.txt Text FilesE* Other names and brands are the property of their respective owners.Report Date: %s Not AvailableReport Time[hr:mm:ss]: %sDriver Version: %sOperating System: %sDefault Language: %sDirectX* Version: %sPhysical Memory: %sGraphics Memory in Use: %sMaximum Graphics Memory: %sMinimum Graphics Memory: %sProcessor: %sProcessor Speed: %s MHZVendor ID: %sDevice ID: %sDevice Revision: %s%s: %sNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneAccelerator InformationAccelerator in Use: %sVideo BIOS: %sCurrent Graphics Mode: %sAccelerator Supported Modes:%File Information for Graphics DriversCurrent Display Driver: %s Driver Files:File Name: %s Driver Files:Description: %sManufacturer: %s Version: %s Date: %s(%i Hz) (Optimal)N/AColors Grayscale True Color High Color Monochrome%i by %i %s %s %i by %i %s(%i Hz) (Optimal)N/AColors Grayscale True Color High Color Monochrome inches.10Intel(R) Extreme Graphics 2 MIntel(R) Extreme Graphics 2Intel(R) GMA Driver ##OUTPUTTO ##PANNING##PORTRAITMODE ##PANELFIT ##HOTKEYS ##TRAYICON ##ROTATIONOmogo i Onemogo iPAKlonirani zasloni gfxUI.exe##GRAPHICSOPTIONS##INVOKESCHEMELastnosti grafike...Mo~nosti grafike Izbira shemeMonitorDigitalni zaslon TelevizorVgrajeni zaslon 90 stopinj 180 stopinj 270 stopinjNormalnoVrtenjePARazairjeno namizjeIzhod naPanning Portrait ModePrilagajanje zaslonu Bli~njiceIkona v sistemski vrsticiVrtenje-Intel Extreme Graphics 2 za prenosne napraveIntel Extreme Graphics 2/Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator 3600 Series/Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator 3600 SeriesIntel Extreme Graphics Windows NT%d MBPA family %d Model %d Stepping %d <CTRL><ALT>F1 <CTRL><ALT>F2 <CTRL><ALT>F3 <CTRL><ALT>F4<CTRL><ALT>F11<CTRL><ALT>F12 <CTRL><ALT>Up<CTRL><ALT>Left<CTRL><ALT>Down<CTRL><ALT>RightEnable MonitorEnable TelevisionEnable Built-in DisplayEnable Digital DisplayEnable/Disable Panel Fitting$Open Graphics Properties ApplicationRotate To NormalRotate To 90 DegreesRotate To 180 DegreesPARotate To 270 Degrees#Open Intel(R) Tv Wizard ApplicationIntel(R) GMA Driver igfxtray.exeIntel(R) Zoom UtilityIntel(R) Zoom UtilityLock Zoom AreaSelect Zoom AreaSelect Application to ZoomExitActionOptionsMagnifyZoom InZoom Out Filter TypePointBilinearBicubicShow the Cursor10 fps20 fpsThis application requires DirectX version 9 or higher. Please download the latest DirectX version from Direct3D error occurred. Please ensure that the latest version of DirectX is correctly installed on the system.yThis application cannot run with the current color depth display settings. Please change the color depth to 16 or 32 bit.)A serious graphics driver error occurred." This application will now close.&The application could not be launched.Application ErrorIzhod iz vrstice hkcmd.exeDegaussTiltHorizontal SizePA Vertical SizeFlicker FilterBasicColor PincushionGeometry HorizontalVerticalBalance-Devices Connected to the Graphics AcceleratorActive Monitors: %dActive Televisions: %dActive Digital Displays: %dActive Built-in Display: %dMonitor Supported Not SupportedAnalogDigitalMonitor Name: %s TelevisionDigital DisplayBuilt-in DisplayDisplay Type: %sDDC2 Protocol: %s Active Off Mode: %s Suspend Mode: %s Standby Mode: %s Vertical: %s"Maximum Image Size: Horizontal: %sGamma Value: %s!Display Power Management Support:PAMonitor Supported Modes:Lastnosti grafike...7Ve  mo~nosti vidnega prikaza za naprave, priklju ene nata ra unalnik, na primer:so na voljo tukaj:*Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator DriverFactory Defaults Parallelogram TrapezoidFocus! INTEL(R) EXTREME GRAPHICS REPORT2 Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator Driver Report# INTEL(R) EXTREME GRAPHICS 2 REPORT2 Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator Driver Report. INTEL(R) EXTREME GRAPHICS 2 FOR MOBILE REPORT%s : %dIzbrana lo ljivost zaslona za primarno napravo ni optimalna. e ~elite dose i kar najboljai prikaz, predlagamo, da uporabite lo ljivost %d x %d. Katerakoli druga lo ljivost, ki ni %d x %d, lahko povzro i slabai prikaz.Display SettingsDisplay DevicesHot KeysColor CorrectionV reduCancelApplyMonitor TelevizorDigitalni zaslonVgrajeni zaslonPrimary Secondary Launch Zoom Information Video Overlay 3D SettingsScheme OptionsRestore DefaultsSelect a SchemeAllPower SettingsAdvanced Gamma Brightness Opozorilo o lo ljivostiPA <CTRL><ALT>F8Intel(R) TV Wizard requires that Microsoft WinFX Runtime Components be installed on the system.Visit to download the following version of these components: WinFx Runtime V3.0.Static Device DetectionAdvanced Deinterlacing AutomaticFilm Mode DetectionSharpness Enhancement Sharpness Noise RemovalGeneral Deblocking More DetailsLess BlocknessOriginal Picture Live PreviewAdvanced Deinterlacing Video QualityColor ControlsPreset ProfilesApplication Settings Override Example ImageHue SaturationContrast Brightness8&Click this button to close the dialog.Select this check box to enable Film Mode Detection. This feature converts film content created to run at 24 progressive frames per second (fps) to 60 interlaced fps. Advanced Deinterlacing algorithms can then be applied to the content to remove artifacts for a sharper image quality. This feature is currently available for standard-definition content with a maximum resolution of 720 x 480.Ohrani spremembo merila zaslonaSelect Profile Color Control Video ScalingDistortion LevelHorizontal Linear Region Vertical CropSkin HueSkin SaturationHueContrast SaturationTega sporo ila ne ka~i ve .Select this option to change viewable area of the desktop with the current graphics mode. Example: Adjust sliders to see the taskbar with overscanned projectors and HDMI displays.Single Display Custom Modes Basic SetupAdvanced SetupRemoveMYou are about to remove the selected Custom Modes. Would you like to confirm?PAConfigure DisplaysPositionPictureOperating ModeMax Quality for CUI 2.5Max Battery for CUI 2.5Power Behavior for CUI 2.5 HorizontalVertical+-Intel(R) Clear Video TechnologyRazairjeno namizje 3Razairjeno namizje 4You have entered an invalid value. Refer to the manufacturer's manual to determine the supported values for this display device.Underscan Percentage(Resulting Mode: %d x %d, %s bpp, %d HzGTFCVTCVT-RBTiming Standard Confirmation\You are about to add the following mode: %d x %d, %s bpp, %g Hz. Would you like to continue?Display SelectionScheme OptionsVideo Settings12Add Custom ModeAdd Custom ModeRemove Custom ModesK- Intel(R) Display Power Saving Technology is set to maximum battery level.- Intel(R) Display Refresh Rate Switching Technology is enabled (lowest refresh rate) Or Dynamic Display Power Optimization* is enabled (progressive/interlaced switch).\- Intel(R) Automatic Display Brightness adjusts backlight brightness based on ambient light.8- Intel(R) Display Power Saving Technology is disabled. h- Intel(R) Display Refresh Rate Switching Technology Or Dynamic Display Power Optimization* is disabled.4- Intel(R) Automatic Display Brightness is disabled.P- Intel(R) Display Power Saving Technology is set to intermediate battery level.- Intel(R) Display Refresh Rate Switching is enabled (intermediate refresh rate) Or Dynamic Display Power Optimization* is enabled (progressive/interlaced switch).\- Intel(R) Automatic Display Brightness adjusts backlight brightness based on ambient light.PA&Power Savings and Performance SettingsHighCustomMediumLow%s %s%.3f kHz%.2fNoise ReductionGYou are about to overwrite an existing mode. Would you like to confirm?Application Settings OverrideApplication Settings Override CEA 861 B%d x %d %d bpp %d Hz%.3f MHz(Intel(R) Display Power Saving TechnologyPAIntel(R) Extreme Graphics SharpnessFlicker Filter Dot Crawl Luma Filter Chroma FilterPurity+Intel(R) Dual-Frequency Graphics Technology%Intel(R) Automatic Display BrightnessMaximum QualityMaximum Battery Plugged InRunning on Battery3Select the power settings for the Built-in Display:Power SettingsActionHot KeysNTSC_MNTSC_JPAL_BPAL_DPAL_HPAL_IPAL_MPAL_NSECAM_BSECAM_DSECAM_GSECAM_HSECAM_KSECAM_K1SECAM_LWIN_VGANTSC_443PAPAL_GPAL_60SECAM_L1 HDTV_480i59 HDTV_480p60 HDTV_480p59 HDTV_576i50 HDTV_576p50 HDTV_720p50 HDTV_720p59 HDTV_720p60 HDTV_1080i50 HDTV_1080i59 HDTV_1080i60 HDTV_1080p60This desktop has been reconfigured. Do you want to keep these settings? If you do not respond within %d seconds, these changes will be canceled.PAConfirm the Desktop ChangeRGBYCHDTVHDRGB COMPOSITE2D Flicker FilterAdaptive Flicker FilterOpenGL SettingsOverlay SettingsSelect Hot Key CombinationArial1010%Invalid Character type in Scheme NameScheme Name ErrorPAThis tab provides general information about the graphics driver installed on this computer. In addition, links to web sites are listed to help you access the latest troubleshooting information and updates for the graphics driver installed on this computer.CThis is the name of the graphics driver installed on this computer.FThis is the version of the graphics driver installed on this computer.Visit these Intel Web sites for the latest troubleshooting information and updates for the graphics driver installed on this computer.OCheck this box to show the Tray Icon on the taskbar of this computer's desktop.XClick this button to open the graphic properties pages so you can configure the display.  If you have more than one display connected to this computer, you will see a tab for each display. Select a display's tab to view the settings for that display. To activate a display, select the corresponding tab, click Apply, and then click OK to confirm the change.Select the desired color quality from the drop-down list. You may increase the number of bits to increase the number of colors that can be shown, or decrease the number of bits to increase the speed and smoothness with which images are shown.8Select the desired refresh rate from the drop-down list.=Select the desired screen resolution from the drop-down list.Adjust this slider to change the brightness. Brightness determines how light or dark a color or image appears. The maximum value produces the lightest result.%This is the current brightness value.%This is the minimum brightness value.Adjust this slider to change the contrast. The contrast is the difference between the lightest and the darkest areas of the image. The maximum contrast value produces the greatest difference.#This is the current contrast value.#This is the maximum contrast value.PA#This is the minimum contrast value.Adjust this slider to change the saturation. Saturation is the amount of grey that is in a hue. Zero saturation produces a shade of grey; full saturation produces a pure hue.%This is the current saturation value.%This is the maximum saturation value.%This is the minimum saturation value.*Click this button to save the current color correction settings as a named scheme. In the Save as Scheme dialog, enter a name for the scheme and select OK. Select a saved scheme from the Schemes list box to change it or to use it. This button is disabled when the Video Overlay surface is selected.Adjust this slider to adjust the gamma. Gamma is similar to brightness, but it affects the middle tones of an image more than the lightest and darkest areas. If middle tones appear too dark, lower the gamma value. If middle tones appear too light, increase the gamma value.The Gamma Ramp is a graph of the current gamma settings for the selected video surface. Moving the Gamma Correction sliders changes the Gamma Ramp.^This bitmap shows a preview of the effect of the gamma settings on the selected video surface.To change the bitmap, click this button and browse to the bitmap you want to display. This button is disabled when the Video Overlay surface is selected.Click this button to replace the current bitmap with the default bitmap. This button is disabled when the default bitmap is active or when the Video Overlay surface is selected.ASelect this check box to enable the portrait mode of the display.Select this option to scale the current graphics mode to the timings native to the enabled display without preserving the aspect ratio. Full-screen mode expands the desktop to the limits of the screen size.sThese buttons adjust the position of the display screen. If these buttons are disabled, the screen cannot be moved.{Click this arrow one or more times to move the screen down. If this button is disabled, the screen cannot be moved farther.Click this arrow one or more times to move the screen to the left. If this button is disabled, the screen cannot be moved farther.PAClick this arrow one or more times to move the screen to the right. If this button is disabled, the screen cannot be moved farther.yClick this arrow one or more times to move the screen up. If this button is disabled, the screen cannot be moved farther./Click this button to center the display screen.kUse the size settings to adjust the horizontal and vertical size of the image to fit the bezel of the case.?Adjust this slider to change the height of the on-screen image.>Adjust this slider to change the width of the on-screen image.$This is the current horizontal size.$This is the maximum horizontal size.$This is the minimum horizontal size."This is the current vertical size."This is the maximum vertical size."This is the minimum vertical size.MThis area shows the possible screen rotation angles for the selected display.)Rotate the screen to the normal position.Rotate the screen 90 degrees.Rotate the screen 180 degrees.Rotate the screen 270 degrees.BClick this button to reset all controls to their default settings.<Click this button to apply color corrections to the display.@Click this button to close this dialog box and save the changes.FClick this button to close this dialog box without saving any changes.qClick this button to return the color correction settings to their default values for the selected video surface.ESelect the video surface that you want to apply color corrections to.To apply color corrections, first select the color or colors you want to adjust. Then adjust one or more of the Gamma, Brightness, or Contrast sliders. Color selection buttons are not available when the Video Overlay surface is selected.Click this button to apply color corrections to a video overlay window. A video overlay is a full-motion video window inside the normal display.Click this button to save the current settings as a named scheme. This button is disabled when the Video Overlay surface is selected.iUse the Gamma, Brightness, Contrast, or Saturation sliders to adjust the color of a video overlay window.Select this box to enable automatic configuration. The graphics adapter will automatically adjust the television based on the activity that is using the television.gUse this check box to select between two output sizes (overscan settings) on the television. If the box is checked, the maximum size for the current resolution will be output to the television. If the box is not checked, a default size for the current display resolution will be output. The check box is disabled if the resolution does not allow size changes.Use these controls to adjust the level of brightness, contrast and saturation output to the television screen, in addition to the amount of flicker filtering adjustment.Adjust this slider to change the amount of "flicker filtering" done to the television signal. Generally, the higher the level of filtering, the smoother the TV image. This filter may cause fine details to blur.;Click this button to open the advanced settings dialog box.Use these controls to adjust the color depth, screen area, and refresh rate of the monitor. For some monitors, an Advanced Settings button may be present, which will make additional settings available.HClick this button to open the color settings dialog box for the monitor.6Click this button to open the Advanced Settings pages.This tab shows the current settings for the selected monitor. To activate this monitor, select this tab, click Apply, and then click OK to confirm the change.&Select a device to see its properties.Primary displays.Secondary displays.)Select this check box to enable rotation.Use these controls to adjust the color depth, screen area, and refresh rate of the display. You can also change between a full screen and a screen with a border.This tab shows the current settings for the digital display. To activate the digital display, select this tab, click Apply, and then click OK to confirm the change.Use these controls to adjust the color depth, screen area, and refresh rate of the display. You can also select between a full screen and a screen with a border.This tab shows the current settings for the Built-in Display. To activate the Built-in Display, select this tab, click Apply, and then click OK to confirm the change.qClick this button to open the Power Schemes Settings. This allows you to select one or more power saving schemes.Select this box to enable the Intel(R) Dual Frequency Graphics Technology. This saves battery power by changing the output frequency of the graphics adapter.Select this box to enable the Intel(R) Display Power Saving Technology. This saves power by altering the brightness and contrast of the display.The Intel(R) Display Power Saving Technology has five settings. Adjust the level by using the slider to balance maximum image quality (some power savings) with maximum power savings (decreased image quality).Select this box to enable the Intel(R) Automatic Display Brightness. This saves power by adjusting the brightness of the display backlight according to the ambient lighting.Select this box to enable the Intel(R) Automatic Display Brightness. This saves power by adjusting the brightness of the display backlight according to the ambient lighting.hUse these controls to adjust the color depth, the screen area, and the video standard of the television.:Select the correct video standard from the drop-down list.0Click this button to open the TV Settings pages.Select this tab to show the settings for the television. To activate the television, select this tab, click Apply, and then click OK to confirm the change.YClone Displays allows you to show the same desktop simultaneously on two display devices.:Select the desired primary device from the drop-down list.<Select the desired secondary device from the drop-down list.The Clone Displays settings below allow you to switch between same display configuration or separate display configuration of the primary and secondary devices.Select this check box to enable panning. Panning allows you to use screen areas that are larger than the maximum image size of the active device. Move the cursor to an edge of the screen to scroll the desktop in that direction.Select this check box to enable the same configuration (e.g. color depth, screen area, and refresh rate) on the primary and the secondary displays.]Click this button to open the display Settings dialog for the primary and secondary displays.Select this tab to show the settings for Clone Displays. To activate Clone Displays, select this tab, click Apply, and then click OK to confirm the change./These are the settings for the primary display..Select the color depth of the primary display.PA:Select the size of the screen area on the primary display.0Select the refresh rate for the primary display..Select the color depth of the primary display.:Select the size of the screen area on the primary display.2Select the video standard for the primary display.~Select this check box to enable portrait mode for the primary display. Portrait mode rotates the desktop 90 degrees clockwise.Select this check box to enable full-screen mode for the primary display. Full-screen mode expands the desktop to the limits of the screen size.;Select the desired primary display from the drop-down list.1These are the settings for the secondary display.0Select the color depth of the secondary display.<Select the size of the screen area on the secondary display.4Select the video standard for the secondary display.0Select the color depth of the secondary display.<Select the size of the screen area on the secondary display.2Select the refresh rate for the secondary display.Select this check box to enable portrait mode for the secondary display. Portrait mode rotates the desktop 90 degrees clockwise.Select this check box to enable full-screen mode for the secondary display. Full-screen mode expands the desktop to the limits of the actual screen size.7Select the desired display from the available displays.;Select the desired primary display from the drop-down list.=Select the desired secondary display from the drop-down list.Select this check box to enable Twin, Clone, or Extended Configuration. Twin and Clone configurations allow the view on the primary display to be copied to the secondary display. Extended Mode allows the view of the primary display to be extended to the secondary display.%Select the display to be copied from.#Select the display to be copied to.Set the co-ordinates of the primary display and the secondary display top left corner. Click and drag the rectangles to adjust the co-ordinates of the secondary display with respect to the primary display.hClick the Device Settings button to set the parameters of all the displays in the current configuration.VUse these controls to adjust the brightness, contrast, and tilt of the monitor screen.Adjust this slider to change the tilt of the monitor screen. The tilt setting rotates the image a few degrees clockwise or counter-clockwise.This is the minimum tilt value.This is the maximum tilt value.This is the current tilt value.Click this button to degauss the monitor (neutralize the magnetic field that builds up over time). Degauss the monitor whenever you notice that screen areas that should be a uniform color are blotchy. Most monitors automatically degauss at power on.NClick this button to reset the basic monitor settings to their default values.The Video Gain settings allow you to adjust the intensity of a color on the screen. Increasing the video gain increases the intensity of the color on the screen.>Adjust this slider to change the video gain for the color red.7This is the minimum video gain value for the color red.7This is the maximum video gain value for the color red.7This is the current video gain value for the color red.@Adjust this slider to change the video gain for the color green.9This is the minimum video gain value for the color green.9This is the maximum video gain value for the color green.9This is the current video gain value for the color green.?Adjust this slider to change the video gain for the color blue.8This is the minimum video gain value for the color blue.8This is the maximum video gain value for the color blue.8This is the current video gain value for the color blue.dThe Video Black Level settings allow you to adjust the degree of blackness in a color on the screen.EAdjust this slider to change the video black level for the color red.>This is the minimum video black level value for the color red.PA>This is the maximum video black level value for the color red.>This is the current video black level value for the color red.GAdjust this slider to change the video black level for the color green.@This is the minimum video black level value for the color green.@This is the maximum video black level value for the color green.@This is the current video black level value for the color green.FAdjust this slider to change the video black level for the color blue.?This is the minimum video black level value for the color blue.?This is the maximum video black level value for the color blue.?This is the current video black level value for the color blue.NClick this button to reset the monitor color settings to their default values.oThe Pincushion settings allow you to correct the display if the edges of the image are bowed inward or outward.~Adjust this slider to change the horizontal pincushion. Use this when the sides of the image are bowed in opposite directions.0This is the minimum horizontal pincushion value.0This is the maximum horizontal pincushion value.0This is the current horizontal pincushion value.PAAdjust this slider to change the horizontal pincushion balance. Use this when the sides of the image are bowed in the same direction.8This is the minimum horizontal pincushion balance value.8This is the maximum horizontal pincushion balance value.8This is the current horizontal pincushion balance value.Adjust this slider to change the vertical pincushion. Use this when the top and bottom of the image are bowed in opposite directions..This is the minimum vertical pincushion value..This is the maximum vertical pincushion value..This is the current vertical pincushion value.Adjust this slider to change the vertical pincushion balance. Use this when the top and bottom of the image are bowed in the same direction.6This is the minimum vertical pincushion balance value.6This is the maximum vertical pincushion balance value.6This is the current vertical pincushion balance value.iThe Linearity settings allow you to adjust the width of the horizontal and vertical lines of the display.6Adjust this slider to change the horizontal linearity./This is the minimum horizontal linearity value./This is the maximum horizontal linearity value.PA/This is the current horizontal linearity value.>Adjust this slider to change the horizontal linearity balance.7This is the minimum horizontal linearity balance value.7This is the maximum horizontal linearity balance value.7This is the current horizontal linearity balance value.4Adjust this slider to change the vertical linearity.-This is the minimum vertical linearity value.-This is the maximum vertical linearity value.-This is the current vertical linearity value.<Adjust this slider to change the vertical linearity balance.5This is the minimum vertical linearity balance value.5This is the maximum vertical linearity balance value.5This is the current vertical linearity balance value.aClick this button to reset the monitor pincushion and linearity settings to their default values.The Distortion settings allow you to correct the display when the image edges are straight but the image is distorted. You can also correct the focus of the display.7Adjust this slider to correct parallelogram distortion.PA-This is the minimum parallelogram correction.-This is the maximum parallelogram correction.-This is the current parallelogram correction.3Adjust this slider to correct trapezoid distortion.)This is the minimum trapezoid correction.)This is the maximum trapezoid correction.)This is the current trapezoid correction./Adjust this slider to correct focus distortion.%This is the minimum focus correction.%This is the maximum focus correction.%This is the current focus correction.The Misconvergence settings allow you to correct the horizontal or vertical misalignment of the red, green and blue beams on the display. Misconvergence appears most often as colored halos or shadows.8Adjust this slider to correct horizontal misconvergence.9This is the minimum horizontal misconvergence correction.9This is the maximum horizontal misconvergence correction.9This is the current horizontal misconvergence correction.6Adjust this slider to correct vertical misconvergence.7This is the minimum vertical misconvergence correction.7This is the maximum vertical misconvergence correction.7This is the current vertical misconvergence correction.\Click this button to reset the monitor's advanced geometry settings to their default values.FAdjust this slider to change the hue (color) of the television screen.{The Luma Filter applies sharpness to the brightness of the televisions screen. Adjust this slider to change the brightness.rThe Chroma Filter applies sharpness to the color of the television screen. Adjust this slider to change the color.The DAC Output Mode section shows what type of device or external connector is available for the television signal output. To switch among the available signal outputs, check the box corresponding to the desired output.DAdjust this slider to change the sharpness of the television screen.Adjust this slider to change the amount of flicker filtering done to the television signal. Generally, the higher the level of filtering, the smoother the TV image.Select this check box to enable the dot crawl filter. Dot crawl is a moving pattern of tiny dots where bright colors touch dark colors.[Adjust this slider to improve the legibility of text that appears on the television screen.To adjust the Hot Key Combination for any action, select the action from the Hot Key Combination column and select a new combination from the drop-down list.-Select this check box to enable the Hot Keys.QSelect this button to restore all Hot Key combinations to their default settings.iTo save a the current settings as a scheme, enter a name for this scheme in this field, then click Save. AClick this button to save your changes and close this dialog box.DClick this button to discard your changes and close this dialog box.UYou can launch an application whenever a certain scheme is applied. In the Application to Launch field, enter the path to the execution file or URL of the application. You may also click the Browse button and use the directory tree to locate the application. After you enter the path or browse to the application, click the 'Save' button.3To create a new scheme, first select the desired video mode and the output device. You can also adjust the color of the display on the chosen output device by adjusting the Gamma Correction sliders on the Color tab. Then, select this button to create a name for the scheme, and select OK to save the scheme.?Click this button to save the scheme options you have selected.:Click this button to delete the currently selected scheme.Click this button to activate the currently selected scheme, and to simultaneously launch an application, if one is shown in the Application to Launch field.qCheck this box if you want the original display settings to be restored after the launched application is closed.LUse these controls to change the OpenGL* attributes of the graphics adapter.=Click this button to restore the default settings for OpenGL.The value for each attribute can be changed by selecting the current value and choosing a different value from the drop-down list that will appear.Asynchronous Flip alternates between rendering and displaying the graphics without waiting for the next vertical blank. Enabling Asynchronous Flip may increase the speed of some software, but it may also cause image corruption.Use this control to select between "double" and "triple" buffered frame buffers. Triple Buffering generally improves the performance of full-screen graphics, but it may not be compatible with some software. Use double buffering if full-screen graphics shows corruption every few frames.4Flipping Policy controls how the rendered back buffer is shown by full-screen applications. The "Flip" policy is faster but may be incompatible with some software. Use the "Blit" policy if software does not work correctly in full-screen mode or shows any compatibility problems with Alt-Tab screen switching.DThe depth buffer is a method for removing hidden surfaces. This control allows selecting between 16-bit depth buffers, which use less memory but may exhibit "depth fighting" and 24-bit depth buffers, which use more memory but provide the best visual quality. By default, the driver supports both 16 and 24-bit depth buffers.S3TC Texture Compression is a lossy compression method that provides up to 4:1 compression for RGB textures and 2:1 compression for RGBA textures. Enabling S3TC may provide faster performance but may decrease image quality.FXT1 Texture Compression is a lossy compression method that provides up to 4:1 compression for RGB/RGBA textures. Enabling FXT1 may provide faster application performance but it may decrease image quality. FXT1 overrides S3TC when both methods are enabled.PUse Driver Memory Footprint to select between the "low" setting, which increases performance but may decrease image quality, and the "high" setting, which provides the higher quality images, but may lower performance. In normal operation, the driver automatically adjusts this setting according to the amount of available system memory.`Use Texture Color Depth to select between "16-bit" textures and "32-bit" textures. Using 16-bit textures increases performance but may decrease image quality. Using 32-bit textures provides higher quality images, but may lower performance. In normal operation, the driver automatically matches the bit depth of the textures to the current display mode.Anisotropic Filtering is a texture-filtering mode that improves image quality but may lower performance. In normal operation, texture filtering is controlled by the software, not the graphics driver.The Driver Files list-box shows all the files that are part of the graphics driver on this computer. These files control the interaction between the software and the hardware on this computer. Select a file to see details about it.RThis is a list of all the files that the graphics driver uses on this computer. If it is available, the installation file (INF) for the driver provides the full directory path and names for all of the graphics driver files that are currently installed. If the INF file is not found, the driver file names listed in the registry are shown.The File Details section shows the description, manufacturer, version, and date of the file you selected in the Driver Files list-box.JThis is the description of the file selected in the Driver Files list-box.KThis is the manufacturer of the file selected in the Driver Files list-box.FThis is the version of the file selected in the Driver Files list-box.CThis is the date of the file selected in the Driver Files list-box.This is the name of the graphics accelerator. A graphics accelerator is hardware that enhances 2-D and 3-D graphics on a computer.The Video BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) is a program that starts the video adapter when you turn on the power to a computer, and also manages the data flow between a computer s operating system and its video adapter.AThis is the version of the Video BIOS installed on this computer.PAThis tab shows the current video mode. The list-box displays all of the modes supported by the graphics accelerator. Each video mode consists of up to three attributes. The first attribute is the resolution, which is expressed as "X by Y", where X is the number of pixels (dots) counted horizontally and Y is the number of pixels counted vertically. When the resolution is increased, the number of pixels per screen is increased. The objects on the screen become smaller because they are drawn with smaller dots, and the screen appears larger because it can hold more objects. The second attribute is the color depth, which represents the number of colors that each pixel can show. When the color depth is increased, the quality of color improves on the screen. The third attribute, the refresh rate, is show only if the computer is using Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, or Windows XP. The refresh rate is the number or times per second that the screen contents are redrawn.<This is the video mode currently being used by this display.vThis list-box displays all modes supported by the graphics accelerator and by the displays connected to this computer.[This tab provides general information about the display that is connected to this computer.This is the manufacturer name and the model of the display that is connected to this computer. This information is not available on Windows NT 4.0.uThe General Information tab lists the display type, serial number, gamma value, and DDC level of the selected device.AThis is the signal type (analog or digital) the display requires.)This is the serial number of the display.This is the gamma value of the display. The gamma value is used by some software to calculate corrections for the brightness of the display.The Display Data Channel (DDC) protocol allows the graphics accelerator to communicate with the display. This allows the graphics accelerator to adjust the display settings for the best image quality.}The Maximum Image Size section lists the horizontal and vertical dimensions of the largest image can be shown on the display.HThis is the horizontal dimension of the largest image that can be shown.FThis is the vertical dimension of the largest image that can be shown.YThe Supported Modes list-box displays all video modes that are available for the display. The Display Power Management Support section lists possible power saving modes and shows if a mode is supported by the display. Refer to the manufacturer s manual for a description of each of the power management modes listed below: standby, suspended, and active-off.VRefer to the manufacturer's manual for a description of standby mode for this display.PAVRefer to the manufacturer's manual for a description of standby mode for this display.VRefer to the manufacturer's manual for a description of standby mode for this display.Click this button to save the report as a text file. In the "Save As" popup that will appear, select the directory where you want the report to be saved, then click the Save button.This report contains information about the graphics accelerator, graphics drivers, and any DDC2 compliant display devices that are installed on this computer.Visit these Intel Web sites for additional information, for troubleshooting, or for updates to the graphics driver that is installed on this computer.Close7Nadzira funkcije grafi ne strojne opreme v ra unalniku.PATo use or delete a saved scheme, select it from this list-box. Click the Apply button to use the scheme, or click the Delete button to delete the scheme.1Click this button to apply the advanced settings.PAIntel TV WizardTvWizard2ft.exe Letterbox to Wide-screen ScalingApplication Settings Override Select Device Refresh RateHorizontal Front PorchHorizontal Back PorchHorizontal Sync PolarityHorizontal Sync WidthHorizontal ActiveHorizontal TotalHorizontal Scan Rate,The mode is already present for the display.Interlaced Mode DisclaimerPAWarning: Altering modes may (i) reduce system stability and useful life of the system and chipset; (ii) cause the chipset and other system components to fail; (iii) cause reductions in system performance; (iv) cause additional heat or other damage; and (v) affect system data integrity. Intel has not tested, and does not warranty, the operation of the chipset beyond its specifications. Would you like to continue?iAddRemove Screen Width Screen Heightp+Error occurred while adding the custom mode4Refresh rate not supported for the Built-in Display.7The custom mode exceeds the maximum bandwidth capacity.$Insufficient memory to add the mode.The Custom Mode already exists.Invalid Mode Parameter.AllVertical Front PorchPAVertical Back PorchVertical Sync PolarityVertical Sync WidthVertical ActiveVertical TotalVertical Scan RatePAMaximum PerformanceDynamicGraphics Power Feature Settings>Max Battery Life: Minimal impact on overall visual experience.JBalanced: Negligible impact on graphics performance and visual experience.bMaximum Performance: Negligible impact on graphics performance and no impact on visual experience.]Disable Power Savings: All power saving features disabled; highest graphics performance mode.Custom Power SavingsModify Settings&Intel(R) Rapid Memory Power Management$Intel(R) Smart 2D Display Technology-Intel(R) Graphics Power Modulation Technology+Intel(R) Graphics Render Standby TechnologyPA What's This?Color:%This is the maximum brightness value.VRefer to the manufacturer's manual for a description of standby mode for this display.VRefer to the manufacturer's manual for a description of standby mode for this display.VRefer to the manufacturer's manual for a description of standby mode for this display.VRefer to the manufacturer's manual for a description of standby mode for this display.VRefer to the manufacturer's manual for a description of standby mode for this display.PATRefer to the manufacturer manual for a description of standby mode for this display.Click this button to apply color corrections to a video overlay window. A video overlay is a full-motion video window inside the normal display.bClick this button if you want to create and save customized display settings for certain software.gClick this button to see information about the attached displays, the graphics driver, and the adapter.AClick this button to save your changes and close this dialog box.DClick this button to discard your changes and close this dialog box.TClick this button to change the display immediately without closing this dialog box.XIf more than one display is connected to the computer, select which display to activate.If more than one display is connected to the computer, these controls allow the graphics adapter to send images to more than one display.Click this button to change the way the graphics adapter shows 3D images. You can change the settings to improve the quality of the image or the speed and smoothness with which moving images are shown.Select a radio button to modify all colors or any one color. By adjusting the Gamma, Brightness and Contrast sliders, you can modify the appearance of images on the display.A color's gamma levels specify the strength or degree of that color. In order to modify gamma for the Desktop, select the radio button for the color or colors you wish to modify. After that, adjust the gamma slider.Adjust this slider to change the brightness. Brightness determines how light or dark a color or image appears. The maximum value produces the lightest result.Adjust this slider to change the contrast. The contrast is the difference between the lightest and the darkest areas of the image. The maximum contrast value produces the greatest difference.< New Scheme >wNote: Two displays must be connected to the computer before you can use this feature. Please connect another display.Video Black Level Video Gain Linearity DistortionMisconvergenceGeometry Filtering IntensityClarityDACSizePositionSelect this option to use the timings native to the enabled display and center the desktop image on the screen. Depending on the resolution selected for the enabled display, the screen may have black borders. Select this option to scale the current graphics mode to the timings native to the enabled display by preserving the aspect ratio. If the aspect ratio is different from the physical aspect ratio of the enabled display, the image will have black borders on two sides.DisableRotationPA Windows 2000 Windows XPWindows Server 2003 Home Edition ProfessionalDatacenter EditionEnterprise Edition Web EditionStandard EditionDatacenter ServerAdvanced ServerServerScale Full ScreenMonitorBuilt-in DisplayDigital DisplayPA TelevisionBasicColorAdvancedSDVO Encoder Report Vendor ID: %s Device ID: %dDevice Revision: %dMajor Version: %dMinor Version: %dFirmware Revision: %d.%d.%dFirmware Signature: 0x%sFirmware Revision: %d.%d.%d.%d** Encoder 1 **** Encoder 2 **SDVO Encoder Data Not AvailableChrontelConexant Silicon Image+Are you sure you want to replace scheme %s?Confirm Replace SchemeConfirm Scheme Delete*Are you sure you want to delete scheme %s? Monitor 2Vgrajeni zaslon 2Digitalni zaslon 2 Televizor 2 Monitor 2Built-in Display 2 Television 2Digital Display 2Windows XP x64.PA Not AvailableAnalogDigitalinches Supported Not SupportedDigital DisplayDigital Display 2ContrastAspect Ratio OptionsCustom SelectionMinimumMaximum HorizontalVerticalRestore DefaultsRestore DefaultsRestore Defaults Pixel ClockRestore DefaultsRestore DefaultsRestore Defaults$This is the current sharpness value.$This is the minimum sharpness value.$This is the maximum sharpness value.%This is the current 2D Flicker value.%This is the minimum 2D Flicker value.%This is the maximum 2D Flicker value.)This is the current flicker filter value.)This is the minimum flicker filter value.)This is the maximum flicker filter value.This is the current hue value.PAThis is the minimum hue value.This is the maximum hue value.&This is the current luma filter value.&This is the minimum luma filter value.&This is the maximum luma filter value.(This is the current chroma filter value.(This is the minimum chroma filter value.(This is the maximum chroma filter value.Adjust this slider to change the tilt of the TV screen. The tilt setting rotates the image a few degrees clockwise or counter-clockwise.Adjust this slider to change the tilt of the TV screen. The tilt setting rotates the image a few degrees clockwise or counter-clockwise."This is the current flicker value."This is the minimum flicker value."This is the maximum flicker value.This is the gamma value of the overlay. The gamma value is used by some software to calculate corrections for the brightness of the display. This is the minimum gamma value. This is the maximum gamma value.Adjust this slider to change the contrast. The contrast is the difference between the lightest and the darkest areas of the image. The maximum contrast value produces the greatest difference.#This is the current contrast value.Adjust this slider to change the contrast. The contrast is the difference between the lightest and the darkest areas of the image. The maximum contrast value produces the greatest difference.#This is the minimum contrast value.#This is the maximum contrast value.%This is the current saturation value.%This is the minimum saturation value.%This is the maximum saturation value.For maximum image quality.For maximum power savings.Digitalni televizorDigitalni televizorDigitalni televizor 2Digitalni televizor 2 Device TypeConnector TypePAVGALVDSDVIHDMISVIDEO COMPOSITE COMPONENTSECAMHDMIDVILFPTVCRT8PAL_NC#Dynamic Display Power Optimization*2Intel(R) Display Refresh Rate Switching TechnologyMinimum Refresh RatewSelect the minimum refresh rate you want to allow in order to balance maximum image quality with maximum power savings.Select this box to enable Intel(R) Display Refresh Rate Switching Technology. This saves power by allowing the display to dynamically switch to the minimum refresh rate specified in the drop-down list below.Click this button to access aspect ratio options for the display configuration that is currently applied. If the button is not accessible, apply any new configuration changes to continue. Raw EDID:Non Active Monitors: %dNon Active Televisions: %dNon Active Digital Displays: %dNon Active Built-in Display: %d"Non Active Digital Televisions: %dActive Digital Televisions: %d.Achieves the highest level of battery savings:$Achieves intermediate power savings:-Achieves the highest level of visual quality:Digital Television Existing Mode@This custom mode already exists. Would you like to overwrite it?tWarning: This custom mode has already been added through the Basic Setup tab. Are you sure you want to overwrite it?wWarning: This custom mode has already been added through the Advanced Setup tab. Are you sure you want to overwrite it?Obvestilo v obla ku ##BALLOONObvestilo o lastnostih grafike!Obvestilo o najboljai lo ljivostiZagnali ste aplikacijo za lastnosti grafike. Kliknite Uporabi, da aktivirate nove izbire. Trenutno veljavne izbire se lahko spremenijo, ko bodo aktivirane nove izbire.To ni najboljaa lo ljivost za primarno prikazovalno napravo. Najboljaa lo ljivost je %d x %d. Za ve  informacij kliknite to obvestilo.,Textual Basic Explanation and Recommendation,Textual Basic Explanation and Recommendation Sharpness enhancement scales standard-definition content to high-definition resolutions to provide an optimal viewing experience on high-definition televisions. This feature is currently available for standard-definition content with a maximum resolution of 720 x 480.$This is the current sharpness level.$This is the minimum sharpness level.To je najviaja raven ostrine.1Adjust this slider to change the sharpness level.Select this check box to ensure that this sharpness enhancement configuration always overwrites third-party application settings.Noise reduction dramatically minimizes the appearance of randomized noise in video streams while accurately preserving fine detail and delivering sharper image quality. This feature is currently available for standard-definition content with a maximum resolution of 720 x 480.PA{Select this check box to ensure that this noise reduction configuration always overwrites third-party application settings.pThe preview provides a real-time comparison of how video playback quality changes when you modify the video quality features. The inset window shows the effect of the configuration that is currently applied; the outset window shows the effect of the changes made to the current configuration before being applied. This feature is not available for Film Mode Detection.GSelect an image that closely represents the video played on the system.BClick this button to reset all features to their default settings.This page is used to enhance the video playback experience by configuring the video quality features provided by Intel(R) Clear Video Technology. These features are currently available for standard-definition content with a maximum resolution of 720 x 480.The Advanced Deinterlacing enables advanced algorithms to remove artifacts associated with interlaced content to deliver sharper image quality. This feature is currently available for standard-definition content with a maximum resolution of 720 x 480.The Intel(R) Clear Video Technology enables smooth playback of high-definition content, sharper image quality, color control, and advanced display capability. For more information, visit our website at this check box to ensure that this color control configuration always overwrites third-party application settings.6Hue describes the position of a color on the spectrum.Adjust this slider to change the hue levels of any video played on the system. This feature is currently available for standard-definition content with a maximum resolution of 720 x 480. Saturation is the amount of grey that is in a hue. Zero saturation produces a shade of grey; full saturation produces a pure hue. Adjust this slider to change the saturation levels of any video played on the system. This feature is currently available for standard-definition content with a maximum resolution of 720 x 480.Contrast is the difference between the lightest and the darkest areas of the image. The maximum contrast value produces the greatest difference.Adjust this slider to change the contrast levels of any video played on the system. This feature is currently available for standard-definition content with a maximum resolution of 720 x 480.qBrightness determines how light or dark a color or image appears. The maximum value produces the lightest result.Adjust this slider to change the brightness levels of any video played on the system. This feature is currently available for standard-definition content with a maximum resolution of 720 x 480.PA|The preset profiles provide video color profiles with pre-configured settings for hue, saturation, contrast, and brightness.:Select the desired preset profile from the drop-down list.9The preview provides a real time comparison of how video playback quality changes when you modify the color control features. The inset window shows the effect of the configuration that is currently applied; the outset window shows the effect of the changes made to the current configuration before being applied.GSelect an image that closely represents the video played on the system.BClick this button to reset all features to their default settings.This page is used to enhance the video playback experience by configuring the color control features provided by Intel(R) Clear Video Technology. This feature is currently available for standard-definition content with a maximum resolution of 720 x 480.The Intel(R) Clear Video Technology enables smooth playback of high-definition content, sharper image quality, color control, and advanced display capability. For more information, visit our website at this check box to enable the letterbox to wide-screen scaling. This feature improves the viewing experience of 4:3 aspect ratio content on wide-screen display devices (16:9 aspect ratio).9The preview provides a real time comparison of how video playback quality changes when you modify the video scaling features. The inset window shows the effect of the configuration that is currently applied; the outset window shows the effect of the changes made to the current configuration before being applied.The vertical crop represents the portion of the source image that needs to be cut vertically to bring it closer to the 16:9 aspect ratio. This feature is currently available for standard-definition content with a maximum resolution of 720 x 480./Adjust this slider to change the vertical crop.The horizontal linear region represents the portion of the source image on which no scaling is performed. This feature is currently available for standard-definition content with a maximum resolution of 720 x 480.:Adjust this slider to change the horizontal linear region.The distortion level defines the amount of distortion applied to the non-linear scaled portion of the source image. This feature is currently available for standard-definition content with a maximum resolution of 720 x 480.2Adjust this slider to change the distortion level.dThis page is used to enhance the video playback experience by configuring the video scaling parameters provided by Intel(R) Clear Video Technology. This type of scaling needs to be supported by the video playback application in order to be visible. This feature is currently available for standard-definition content with a maximum resolution of 720 x 480.The Intel(R) Clear Video Technology enables smooth playback of high-definition content, sharper image quality, color control, and advanced display capability. For more information, visit our website at an image that closely represents the video played on the system.BClick this button to reset all features to their default settings.This is the minimum hue level.This is the maximum hue level.This is the current hue level.%This is the minimum saturation level.%This is the maximum saturation level.%This is the current saturation level.#This is the minimum contrast level.#This is the maximum contrast level.#This is the current contrast level.%This is the minimum brightness level.%This is the maximum brightness level.%This is the current brightness level.(This is the minimum vertical crop level.(This is the maximum vertical crop level.(This is the current vertical crop level.3This is the minimum horizontal linear region level.3This is the maximum horizontal linear region level.3This is the current horizontal linear region level.%This is the minimum distortion level.%This is the maximum distortion level.%This is the current distortion level.nClick this button to open the Custom Modes pages. These pages allow you to add, view, and remove custom modes.:Select the desired display device from the drop-down list.YCustom modes can be added for monitors, digital displays, and digital televisions (HDMI).nThe color quality refers to the number of bits used to represent the color of a single pixel (bits per pixel).Select the desired color quality from the drop-down list. Select All to create one custom mode for each color quality. Refer to the display device's manual to determine the supported values.]The refresh rate represents the number of times per second an image is redrawn on the screen.lThe screen width refers to the horizontal size of the screen (part of a display where the images are shown).sEnter a numeric value for the screen width. Refer to the display device's manual to determine the supported values.PAkThe screen height refers to the vertical size of the screen (part of a display where the images are shown).tEnter a numeric value for the screen height. Refer to the display device's manual to determine the supported values.HThe graphics driver uses the algorithm to calculate the timing. You can use Coordinated Video Timing (CVT) and Generalized Timing Formula (GTF) for monitors; CVT, Coordinated Video Timing Reduced Blanking (CVT-RB) and GTF for digital displays; CVT, CVT-RB, GTF and Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) timing for HDMI devices.Select the desired timing standard from the drop-down list. Refer to the display device's manual to determine the supported values.mThe underscan percentage allows you to fit the image to the horizontal and vertical dimensions of the screen.)This is the current underscan percentage.)This is the minimum underscan percentage.)This is the maximum underscan percentage.Click this button to add a new custom mode. The new settings will be available in the Display Settings page and in the OS Display Properties window.YThis list displays all the custom modes that have been added through the Basic Setup tab.Click on one or more custom modes to select the items to be deleted. To deselect a custom mode, click again on the selected custom mode.Click this button to remove the custom mode(s) selected in the Remove Custom Modes list. The settings will be removed from the Display Settings page and the OS Display Properties window.TSelect this check box to specify that the new digital television mode is interlaced.sEnter a numeric value for the refresh rate. Refer to the display device's manual to determine the supported values.This page is used to add custom modes based on pre-defined timing standards. You can add custom modes for monitors, Built-in Display panels, digital displays, and digital televisions (HDMI). Refer to the display device's manual to determine the supported values.*This page is used to add custom modes for monitors, digital displays, and digital televisions (HDMI). The new mode s timing is calculated by the graphics driver using the detailed timing information provided through this page. Refer to the display device's manual to determine the supported values.The horizontal front porch is the time between the end of the horizontal active time and the start of the horizontal sync pulse.Enter a numeric value for the horizontal front porch. This value is used by the graphics driver to calculate the timing of the new mode. Refer to the display device's manual to determine the supported values.The horizontal back porch is the time between the end of the horizontal sync pulse and the start of the next horizontal active time.Enter a numeric value for the horizontal back porch. This value is used by the graphics driver to calculate the timing of the new mode. Refer to the display device's manual to determine the supported values.YThe horizontal sync width is the amount of time that the horizontal sync pulse is active.Enter a numeric value for the horizontal sync width. This value is used by the graphics driver to calculate the timing of the new mode. Refer to the display device's manual to determine the supported values.aHorizontal Active represents the number of active pixels that are displayed in a horizontal line.Enter a numeric value for the horizontal sync active. This value is used by the graphics driver to calculate the timing of the new mode. Refer to the display device's manual to determine the supported values.sThe sync polarities determine if the timing format is CVT Standard CRT or CVT Reduced Blanking (RB). To distinguish the CVT-generated timings from the existing timings, the following sync polarities will be used: negative with positive = CVT Standard CRT positive with negative = CVT-RB positive with positive = Non-CVT Timing negative with negative = Non-CVT Timing.Select the desired horizontal sync polarity from the drop-down list. This value is used by the graphics driver to calculate the timing of the new mode. Refer to the display device's manual to determine the supported values.The horizontal scan rate represents the frequency at which a display device moves the electron beam from the left side of the screen to the right and back, and therefore describes the number of horizontal lines displayed.rThe horizontal total represents the sum of all horizontal parameters used to calculate the timing of the new mode.zThe vertical front porch is the time between the end of the vertical active time and the start of the vertical sync pulse.PAEnter a numeric value for the vertical front porch. This value is used by the graphics driver to calculate the timing of the new mode. Refer to the display device's manual to determine the supported values.~The vertical back porch is the time between the end of the vertical sync pulse and the start of the next vertical active time.Enter a numeric value for the vertical back porch. This value is used by the graphics driver to calculate the timing of the new mode. Refer to the display device's manual to determine the supported values.UThe vertical sync width is the amount of time that the vertical sync pulse is active.Enter a numeric value for the vertical sync width. This value is used by the graphics driver to calculate the timing of the new mode. Refer to the display device's manual to determine the supported values.UVertical Active represents the number of active lines that are displayed in an image.Enter a numeric value for the vertical sync active. This value is used by the graphics driver to calculate the timing of the new mode. Refer to the display device's manual to determine the supported values.sThe sync polarities determine if the timing format is CVT Standard CRT or CVT Reduced Blanking (RB). To distinguish the CVT-generated timings from the existing timings, the following sync polarities will be used: negative with positive = CVT Standard CRT positive with negative = CVT-RB positive with positive = Non-CVT Timing negative with negative = Non-CVT Timing.Select the desired vertical sync polarity from the drop-down list. This value is used by the graphics driver to calculate the timing of the new mode. Refer to the display device's manual to determine the supported values.zThe vertical scan rate, also called refresh rate, represents the number of times in a second that a screen is illuminated.nThe vertical total represents the sum of all vertical parameters used to calculate the timing of the new mode.Pixel Clock, also called Dot Clock, is the speed at which each pixel is written on the screen. It is measured in megahertz (MHz).The horizontal scan rate represents the frequency at which a display device moves the electron beam from the left side of the screen to the right and back, and therefore describes the number of horizontal lines being displayed. This is a read-only field.This value cannot be edited because it is used in combination with the Vertical Total to determine the bandwidth required to apply the new mode and timing to a display device. An error message will be displayed if the calculated bandwidth exceeds the permitted threshold.4Enter a numeric value (with a maximum of two decimals) for the vertical scan rate. This value is used by the graphics driver to calculate the timing of the new mode. If you enter a non-numerical value, it will not be taken into account. Refer to the display device's manual to determine the supported values.This value cannot be edited because it is used in combination with the Horizontal Total to determine the bandwidth required to apply the new mode and timing to a display device. An error message will be displayed if the calculated bandwidth exceeds the permitted threshold.rCustom modes can be added for monitors, Built-in Display panels, digital displays, and digital televisions (HDMI).\This list displays all the custom modes that have been added through the Advanced Setup tab.Select the desired primary device from the drop-down list. The drop-down list shows all the display devices connected to the system.Select the desired secondary device from the drop-down list. The drop-down list shows all the display devices connected to the system.:Select the desired operating mode from the drop-down list.SThe operating mode is based on the number of display devices connected to the system. If more than one display device is connected, you can mirror your display using Clone Displays or Twin (XP), or you can extend your display using Extended Desktop. This last option allows you to view two or more (Vista) display devices at the same time.|The display selection allows you to specify your display configuration based on the display devices connected to the system.Box number 1 depicts the primary device and box number 2 depicts the secondary device. Move either of the boxes to the top, bottom, right, or left of the other box to match the physical positions of your display devices.In the Extended Desktop operating mode, the position of the display devices is represented by different boxes: box number 1 depicts the primary device and the subsequent numbers depict the other devices. Move the boxes to match the physical positions of your display devices.In the Extended Desktop operating mode, the primary device is represented by the box number 1 in the Position section. This box is highlighted when you select the primary device in the Position section.In the Extended Desktop operating mode, the secondary device is represented by the box number 2 in the Position section. This box is highlighted when you select the secondary device in the Position section.aThe power conservation level allows you to enable or disable the power conservation features to be used on your Built-in Display when it is running on battery. You can select a level even when the system is running on AC power but it will only be activated when the system is running on battery. Four levels are available: High, Custom, Medium, and Low.DSelect the desired power conservation level from the drop-down list.Select this check box to enable Intel(R) Display Power Saving Technology. This feature saves power by altering the brightness and contrast of the display.Adjust this slider to change the Intel(R) Display Power Saving Technology (DPST) level. The levels range from 1 to 6, where 1 represents the maximum visual quality (DPST = OFF) and 6 represents the maximum battery life.Select this check box to enable Intel(R) Display Refresh Rate Switching Technology (for panels supporting multiple refresh rates) and switch to the refresh rate specified in the drop-down list. If more than two rates are supported, the highest rate is used when the system runs on AC power. When the system runs on battery, the lowest rate is applied for non-3D/game applications. The higher rate is applied for video, 3D or game applications.fSelect the lowest possible refresh rate to be applied when the Built-in Display is running on battery.zSelect this check box to enable Dynamic Display Power Optimization* for Multi-Field Driving panels (supporting both progressive and interlaced scanning). Interlaced scanning is used to favor battery life over performance. Progressive scanning is used for visual quality or when the system is running on AC power.* Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.B* Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.MaxMin:Select the desired preset profile from the drop-down list.9The preview provides a real time comparison of how video playback quality changes when you modify the video scaling features. The inset window shows the effect of the configuration that is currently applied; the outset window shows the effect of the changes made to the current configuration before being applied.Digital TelevisionApplyPower Feature SettingsDigital Television2PADigital Television2Click this button to invoke the Video Settings pages. These pages allow you to improve video playback experience by configuring various features provided by Intel(R) Clear Video Technology. Monitor 3 Monitor 4 Televizor 3 Televizor 4Digitalni zaslon 3Digitalni zaslon 4Vgrajeni zaslon 3Vgrajeni zaslon 4 Monitor 3PA Monitor 4 Televizor 3 Televizor 4Digital Display 3Digital Display 4Built-in Display 3Built-in Display 4Digital Display 3Digital Display 4{To ni najboljaa lo ljivost za konfiguracijo Twin. Najboljaa lo ljivost je %d x %d. Za ve  informacij kliknite to obvestilo.Izbrana lo ljivost ni optimalna za konfiguracijo kloniranih zaslonov. e ~elite dose i kar najboljai prikaz, predlagamo, da uporabite lo ljivost %d x %d. Katerakoli druga lo ljivost, ki ni %d x %d, lahko povzro i slabai prikaz.Izbrana lo ljivost zaslona za konfiguracijo Twin ni optimalna. e ~elite dose i kar najboljai prikaz, predlagamo, da uporabite lo ljivost %d x %d. Katerakoli druga lo ljivost, ki ni %d x %d, lahko povzro i slabai prikaz. Display PortDigitalni televizor3PADigitalni televizor4 Intel(R) WiDiIntel(R) WiDi 2Intel(R) WiDi 3Intel(R) WiDi 4 USB Display USB Display 2 USB Display 3 USB Display 4 USB Display USB Display 2 USB Display 3 USB Display 4Select the desired third device from the drop-down list. The drop-down list shows all the display devices connected to the system.Select the desired fourth device from the drop-down list. The drop-down list shows all the display devices connected to the system.PAThe primary display device is the main display device of your configuration. By default, the Start menu and the taskbar are displayed on the primary device.^The secondary display device is either a mirror or an extension of the primary display device.ZThe third display device is either a mirror or an extension of the primary display device.[The fourth display device is either a mirror or an extension of the primary display device.In the Extended Desktop operating mode, the third device is represented by the box number 3 in the Position section. This box is highlighted when you select the third device in the Position section.In the Extended Desktop operating mode, the fourth device is represented by the box number 4 in the Position section. This box is highlighted when you select the fourth device in the Position section.|This feature improves the viewing experience of 4:3 aspect ratio content on wide-screen display devices (16:9 aspect ratio).{Click this button to launch the Intel TV Wizard application in order to configure the display settings of your television.Active USB Displays: %dNon Active USB Displays: %dAudio Settings Single Stream Dual StreamDigital DisplayDigital TelevisionPAHue SaturationBalanced PerformanceQualityPATexture QualityAnisotropic FilteringVertex ProcessingWait For VSyncxvYCC Color FormatPAApplication ChoiceDriver's Choice PerformanceBalanceQualityApplication Choice2X4X8X16X Always OnApplication Choice Always Off+Some textual explanation and recommendationPA%Display 2 on Top/ Display 1 on Bottom%Display 1 on Top/ Display 2 on Bottom%Display 2 on Left/ Display 1 on Right%Display 1 on Left/ Display 2 on RightMotion Blur MitigationCustom=This section will have description on what the end user choseSelect this option to apply the default timing for the selected mode. The scaling is determined by the currently selected scaling option for the display, not by the Graphics controller.(Default Audio Layout) <CTRL><ALT>F9PATo ni najboljaa lo ljivost za konfiguracijo kloniranih zaslonov. Najboljaa lo ljivost je %d x %d. Za ve  informacij kliknite to obvestilo. 3D SettingsKonfiguriraj preklopno grafikoIntel(R) Turbo Boost TechnologyDarkness ControlActive Displays#Order%d / %d More SettingsPASet Optimal ValuePAForce Software:Konfiguriraj in prilagodi nastavitve za grafiko in medije.+Intel nadzorna ploa a za grafiko in medije-Intel(R) nadzorna ploa a za grafiko in medijeIntel(R) grafiko in medije&Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator HD4VS_VERSION_INFO  ?StringFileInfo040904b0CommentsDCompanyNameIntel CorporationFFileDescriptionigfxres Module: FileVersion7.15.10.20090InternalNameIGFXRESr'LegalCopyrightCopyright 1999-2006, Intel Corporation(LegalTrademarks@ OriginalFilenameIGFXRES.DLL PrivateBuild^ProductNameIntel(R) Common User Interface> ProductVersion7.15.10.2009 SpecialBuildDVarFileInfo$Translation  PAPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPAD001111112 2222!2@2V2222230333X4l4444?5Q5Z5_5n5|556666666a777778(8=8 9#9,969C9L9S9W9]9a9g9k9q9u9{999999:*:c::&;h;t;;;;x<<6==B>G>> ?>??? 0=0V00000T1y223733354J444J5v55555566+7Q7y77w8}888888K9{999999::1:;;<===~>5?_???0hW00111112222p345666777F7P7[7r777Z89999::::<;Y;r;<.<2=K==>?7C7Z7777%8=8E8K8888889i999::::H:N:q:x:::::::;;;;=> >$>)>8>A>N>Y>k>~>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ???$?+?0?9?F?L?f?w?}???p3333.4s4F6Q6Y666666666666667 77&7S7n7t7}7778 8 8+808@8J8Q8\8e8{88888889&9P9U9`9e99::9:p:::::::;;=;b;;;;;;???0111111@2`2e2555p77777777'828<8U8_8r88899999V:u::: ;;6;>;F;];v;;;;;;;;<_>>>>)?W?]?h?t?????????0 00&0>0J0P0\0k0q0z0000000000001(1=1c111111 23222233f3v3|3333333333344444!4)40454=4F4R4W4\4b4f4l4q4w4|44444444444445%5A566667 777=7c777777777777778f8q888888889$9(9,9094989<9@999999999: ::::$:+:2:9:@:H:P:X:d:m:r:x:::::::::::::!;Y;;;;>A>I>V>j>>>>>>>,?5?A?Z?n????80&0f0p0000"141111111 2B2L2222224444445525=5T5`5m5t555 6?6X6g6l6666D7J7c7i798\8i8u8}888888/9H9O9W9\9`9d999999999999>:D:H:L:P::::::::;;;m;t;x;|;;;;;;;;;;;> >>>>">>>>*?9?U?c?i?y?~????????????x 0I0f00w1~1111!2-22223333333 4<4455$66}7777777778 9;);;;];o;;;;;;>>(?@?w???T0&0l0r0~00011123,3e3r3Q4`4 8888888888888889 999!91111112222222222222222222233 33333 3$3(3,3@3H3P3X3`3h3p3x3333333x4|4444445555555566l=p=t=x=|=444 44444 4$4(4,4044484<4@4D4H4L4P4T4X4\4`4d4h4l4p4t4x4|444444444444444444444444444444444555 55555 5$5(5,5054585<5@5D5H5L5P5T5X5\5`5d5h5l5p5t5x5|5>>>|?????????????00 00000@0D0H0P0h0x0|000000000000111 1(1@1P1T1h1l1|1111111111112220242t2x2222223383X3t3x333333484D4`4l44444444444554585T5X5x550 0T0t000000D2L2T2\2d2l2t2|22222222222222222p489::(:8:H:l:x:|:::::::::0;4;8;<;@;D;H;L;P;T;h;l;p;t;x;|;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;<<< <<<<(<0<4<8<<<@