# Copyright (c) By Dialogue Technology Corp. All rights reserved. # 07/02/2009 ############################################################################# PenMount USB Driver Package for Windows CE.Net 5.0 1. Copy PenMount to $(_WINCEROOT)\Public 2. Run Platform Builder. From menu, select Tools -> CEC Editors 3. From CEC Editors menu, select File -> Open From the file dialog, select $(_WINCEROOT)\Public\PenMount\PMUsb\PM2Usb.cec and click Open. From CEC Editors menu, select Catalog -> Add to Catalog 4. Return Platform Builder and right-click on the Catalog and select "Refresh Catalog". 5. Locate "Third Party\Device Drivers\Touch\PenMount USB". Then right-click and select 'Add to OS Design'. 6. Please edit PM2USB.reg for hardware configuration. For example: "HalfSpeed"=dword:1 ; set "HalfSpeed" = 1 to slow-down the sample rate ; of PenMount 6000. "DisableEEPROM" = dword: 1 ; disable that storing calibrate data to EEPROM ; of controller. "NoCal16"=dword:0 ; "NoCal16" - remove 16-point calibrate option from UI. "DefaultCalib"=dword:9 ; "DefaultCalib" - setting defualt calibrate algorithm. ; 0 --> Standard Calibrate ; 4 --> Advanced 4-Points Calibrate ; 9 --> Advanced 9-Points Calibrate ; 10--> Advanced 16-Points Calibrate (PS: These registries is useless for PenMount 5000) (PS2: This driver can detect the controller (6000U or 5000). ) 7. Build OS/Sysgen and Make Run-Time Image 8. [NOTE] When you got error after 6-step. Please execute prelink.bat in $(_WINCEROOT)\Public\PenMount\PMUsb\ . And do "Make Run-Time Image" from menu.