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U-BootBooting from MMC... Booting from NAND... Booting from UART... SPL: Un-supported Boot Device - %d!!! Unsupported OS image.. Jumping nevertheless.. Revision detection unimplemented U-Boot SPL %s (%s - %s) U-Boot 2011.09-00000-g8ba273d-dirtyJun 24 201909:33:57Texas Instruments %s spl: ERROR: This bootmode is not implemented - hangingspl: mmc device not found!! spl: mmc init failed: err - %d spl: mmc blk read err - %d spl: fat register err - %d u-boot.imgspl: error reading image %s, err - %d spl: wrong MMC boot mode spl: ymodem err - %s Loaded %d bytes spl: ERROR: unknown device - can't select boot mode serialstdinstdoutstderrCRCCksumxyzModem - %s mode, %d(SOH)/%d(STX)/%d(CAN) packets, %d retries Unknown errorBlock sequence errorCRC/checksum errorInvalid framingCancelledEnd of fileTimed outSorry, zModem not available yetCan't access file(%d:%d) Vendor: %s Prod.: %s Rev: %s Model: %s Firm: %s Ser#: %s Vendor: %s Rev: %s Prod: %s device type DOC device type unknown Unhandled device type: %i Type: Removable Hard DiskCD ROMOptical DeviceTape# %02X # Capacity: %ld.%ld MB = %ld.%ld GB (%ld x %ld) Capacity: not available Partition Map for IDESATASCSIATAPIUSBDOCUNKNOWN device %d -- Partition Type: %s DOS## Unknown partition table mmc** Can't read partition table on %d:%d ** bad MBR sector signature 0x%02x%02x hd%c%dsd%c%dusbd%c%ddocd%c%dxx%c%d ExtdFATFAT32 1 0 %10ld %2x %5d %10d %10d %2x%s Partition Start Sector Num Sectors Type Status Error: 0x%08X Timeout waiting card ready MMC Device %d not found Caution! Your devices Erase group is 0x%x The erase range would be change to 0x%lx~0x%lx mmc erase failed MMC: block number 0x%lx exceeds max(0x%lx) mmc write failed mmc fail to send stop cmd Man %06x Snr %08x%c%c%c%c%c%d.%dCard did not respond to voltage select! %s: %d%c %s: timedout waiting for ics! %s: timedout waiting for cmddis! %s: timedout waiting for stat! %s : timeout: No status update %s: timedout waiting for status! %s: timedout waiting for cc! %s: timedout waiting for cc2! %s: timedout waiting for softresetall! OMAP SD/MMCmmc_set_iosmmc_send_cmdmmc_init_setupmmc_read_datammc_init_streammmc_write_dataBUG: failure at %s:%d/%s()! nand_base.cBUG!nand_do_write_ops: Device is write protected Timeout!nand_erase: attempt to erase a bad block at page 0x%08x %s: second ID read did not match %02x,%02x against %02x,%02x %s: unknown NAND device: Manufacturer ID: 0x%02x, Chip ID: 0x%02x NAND device: Manufacturer ID: 0x%02x, Chip ID: 0x%02x (%s %s) NAND bus width %d instead %d bit No NAND device found!!! No oob scheme defined for oobsize %d No ECC functions supplied, Hardware ECC not possible %d byte HW ECC not possible on %d byte page size, fallback to SW ECC NAND_ECC_NONE selected by board driver. This is not recommended !! Invalid NAND_ECC_MODE %d Invalid ecc parameters NAND: Unable to find NAND settings in GPMC Configuration - quitting  FAT32 FAT12 FAT16 Invalid FAT entry ** Can't read from device %d ** ** Partition %d not valid on device %d ** %s%c %8ld %s%c %d file(s), %d dir(s) Error reading cluster No current device Interface: Unknown Device %d: No valid FAT fs found Partition %d: Filesystem: %s "%s" reading %s (((((AAAAAABBBBBB0123456789ABCDEF(null)%s:%u: %s: Assertion `%s' failed.0123456789abcdefraise: Signal # %d caught D8  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789: ` ` 0 p 7t 7